• mine craft! mc.floofey.dog:25565


  1. Heim

    📎 smol 📦 misc. trueSpace 7.61

    Meet Bryce3D's older, defunct cousin. Developed by Caligari Corporation in the mid-2000s, TrueSpace 7.6 stood out as a user-friendly haven in the realm of 3D modeling and animation. With a commitment to simplicity, it offered artists and animators an intuitive platform that didn't require...
  2. ninturez0

    💠 📸 images bgfons.com archive 2022-02-24

    bgfons.com archive Textures and backgrounds for graphic and web design bgfons.com Juicy engrish from their about page:
  3. ninturez0

    💠  💻 >500GB 📸 images GFX VFX sound effects - MEGAPACK v1.0

    This archive is hosted entirely by third-parties and may no longer be available now, or in the near/far future. GFX VFX sound effects - MEGAPACK v1.0 574GB of paid graphics and design resources GFX VFX sound effects - MEGAPACK v1.0...
  4. ninturez0

    💠  📸 images The great icon collection 2022-02-08

    dont share files to redditors The great icon collection literally over 5 million fucking icons of all shapes and sizes and things nobody asked for this and nobody will ever need this Here is 5 million icons, completely unorganized, with the worst folder hierarchies possible. Compiled from a...
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