Thread for people that make accounts and never post
its okay you dont have to lurk i promise you can post

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Thread for people that make accounts and never post
its okay you dont have to lurk i promise you can post

I was google dorking for some files, found this instead. Looks cool, might hang around, maybe even make an acct someday
I like electronic beep boops


  • 548.7 KB Views: 137
'Ello, I am definitely one of those that rarely posts, but not because I'm intentionally being rude, but because I really don't have that much to say. If this is a place where you must make posts, then I'll delete my account and be on my way. I really do like coming here though and just pondering over all of the resources. But if I'm going to have to read about why I don't make posts, then I'm good.
Accowding to some of the gweatest phiwosophews, it means that if peopwe awe kiwwed, they die. They expwain that by pwoposing kiwwing as the cauwse of the death. That has awso been confiwmed by science: on the bawance of statisticaw pwobabiwity a pewson who has been kiwwed is dead, and by deduwction, they cawcuwwate that the kiwwing wed to the death.
This was extremely gay
Just came here to download the MAME shmups ROM pack. Ended up staying because the internet really is turning to shit.
Pretty comfy site, but I'll forget it exists very soon, so why bother with an account?
Stumbled upon these forums by complete accident, been checking around for a bit, does seem comfy as advertised. Will nestle here.
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      BunbunWhoSqueaks @ BunbunWhoSqueaks: i would become friend with all of them :0