Thread for people that make accounts and never post
its okay you dont have to lurk i promise you can post

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Thread for people that make accounts and never post
its okay you dont have to lurk i promise you can post

I guess this would work well as an introduction thread so, here it goes.

I'm nise, came looking for some sample cd's but stayed for the comfy.
Really love how this place looks, it might need more poorly rendered bryce landscapes but that's just my thing.
Hope to be a great addiction to this forum and get along nicely.

I mostly do music and sometimes make logos for fun, If there's ever need for some album covers or something feel free to message me, free of charge. Promise ;>
If you're bored might aswell text me, we might get along.
I guess this would work well as an introduction thread so, here it goes.

I'm nise, came looking for some sample cd's but stayed for the comfy.
Really love how this place looks, it might need more poorly rendered bryce landscapes but that's just my thing.
Hope to be a great addiction to this forum and get along nicely.

I mostly do music and sometimes make logos for fun, If there's ever need for some album covers or something feel free to message me, free of charge. Promise ;>
If you're bored might aswell text me, we might get along.
we are always in need of more poorly rendered bryce landscapes. if i knew how to use it, i would make them immediately. i installed an old version a while ago but i dunno shit about 3d graphics.

Just checking in guys, haha!
hiiii ^_^ omg hai!!!! hey!!!
To be honest, I just sometimes forget the forum even exists. The way I found it is I accidentally stumbled upon that part of the website that allows you to browse the folders of uploaded content (basically ftp). Can't remember what it was exactly, but iirc, it was just a sample pack or something. Then I saw the banner for the website, I clicked on it and the rest is history.
Hello, I don't remember how I initially found this forum; however I had stumbled upon a link while searching for catgirls in boxes, must have been from around April of 2022 during a late night. However like many things in my life I end up drifting around towards the next thing that interests me.
I seem compelled to mention that catgirl nuns can be fun as well; and that I hope the rest of your day goes smoothly.


You know, I might introduce myself and this might be the place I do it. Hi everyone! I stumbled on this site after following links of someone who archived my personal site. Stumbled here on accident and liked the feel so much I joined just in case.

As to why I don't post, I don't really feel I have much to say as I don't make music (tried few times, but never fell into it), and I'm bad at starting conversations. So expect me to lurk and maybe reply from time to time.
hello there friend !
how is it going? are you doing okay? i hope that you are doing well.

why would someone register an account and never post? surely if you trust a stranger with your e-mail address, you will also trust them with your deepest thoughts and your spiciest content.

i dont know what else to put here i just need to test if i can feature threads properly


At the very beginning I want to say that it is a very nice place, you can feel very comfortable. I'm fine, thank you for asking. I hope you are also ok.
I will use this thread to ask what inspired you to create such a unique place on the internet?

P.S. Retro style is something I love❀️
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