Is there a video editor for windows that isn't absolute fucking garbage?

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Is there a video editor for windows that isn't absolute fucking garbage?

i'm not reading any of that past the first line, i want a video editor that doesn't crash when i import shit and so far fcpx is the only one
Well that's a cunty move to just announce that, don't ya think? These are oldschool-style internet forums, you should EXPECT a lot of writing in places like this.

Then again, you are the same person who said it was "kikes" that are to blame for the Internet Archive trial going on, so...
I think you might just be a dick. An impatient and possibly illiterate one, at that.

I'll be ignoring you and your posts from now on. Everyone else I've met on this site (so far) has been nothing but kind.
But no site is 100% perfect (This one's a close 91%!)
lol cool to find someone who shares my hate of any and all video editors
I've yet to find one that wouldn't crash constantly and was actually comfy to use
KdenLive is probably the closest I've ever gotten, but it's also got probably the clunkiest UI I've ever seen in an editor
after some getting used to it's up there though
even if it still crashes lol
Well that's a cunty move to just announce that, don't ya think? These are oldschool-style internet forums, you should EXPECT a lot of writing in places like this.

Then again, you are the same person who said it was "kikes" that are to blame for the Internet Archive trial going on, so...
I think you might just be a dick. An impatient and possibly illiterate one, at that.

I'll be ignoring you and your posts from now on. Everyone else I've met on this site (so far) has been nothing but kind.
But no site is 100% perfect (This one's a close 91%!)
nice blogpost
lol cool to find someone who shares my hate of any and all video editors
I've yet to find one that wouldn't crash constantly and was actually comfy to use
KdenLive is probably the closest I've ever gotten, but it's also got probably the clunkiest UI I've ever seen in an editor
after some getting used to it's up there though
even if it still crashes lol
so far it's fcpx for me despite it not liking MKVs or webms
kdenlive worked fine for a while then it started rendering without audio and i was never able to fix it
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Hey, if any mods are reading this, is there a way to use the 'Ignore' option without losing access to a thread while logged in?
I don't care for 'dog-girl anime pfp's' attitude, but some people are responding to their initial questions (like decent human beings) and I could use
the information provided for my own projects that require video editing.

If not, I'll just use my sheer willpower, of which I have more of than that other person does.
I'd just like having the option to ignore people, but not entire threads. I think Discord handles that a little better imo

Last I read the site's title, this is the Comfy Box, not the Cunt Box.

At any rate, thankies in advance( ! ! ! ! ! ! !)
Hey, if any mods are reading this, is there a way to use the 'Ignore' option without losing access to a thread while logged in?
I don't care for 'dog-girl anime pfp's' attitude, but some people are responding to their initial questions (like decent human beings) and I could use
the information provided for my own projects that require video editing.

If not, I'll just use my sheer willpower, of which I have more of than that other person does.
I'd just like having the option to ignore people, but not entire threads. I think Discord handles that a little better imo

Last I read the site's title, this is the Comfy Box, not the Cunt Box.

At any rate, thankies in advance( ! ! ! ! ! ! !)
some people are comfy being haters, you should respect that tbh :3
some people are comfy being haters, you should respect that tbh :3
the audacity of some people stepping in to blogpost and "educate" you about some subject they're not even knowledgeable on with a high and mighty attitude who then get offended and act all superior when you non-aggressively tell them you're not gonna read the entire lecture

having a voice on the internet doesn't grant you the right to have others read what you post/be heard and you shouldn't expect people to like you or even listen to you if you barge into a thread with a "UHM AKSHULLY GIVE UP CHUD THIS ISN'T FOR YOU"
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some people are comfy being haters, you should respect that tbh :3
Some people feel "comfy" smearing shit on themselves. Doesn't mean I *have got to respect it*
So uh.... No. I don't *have* to respect people if they can't respect others. Maybe you tolerate it, but uh... well, you're worse off for it, and you open yourself up to shitheads who disregard others.
Even for THE MOST MILD OF THINGS, like just.... writing. Ya know, like people do.
If people take comfort in being assholes, good for them I guess? Being a decent person doesn't take as much effort as losers like that guy think it does.

Given the general attitude this guy exudes, his "style" of phrasing things when he writes, and the LITERAL COMPAINTS about video editors he's put forward...
Yeah, he's just lazy and looking for an easy way out. Anything can mildly frustrate him, be it me just *typing like a human* or a program not being good enough for him to sit through.
Like... yeah, no, fuck that cunt LOL I hope his PC fries if he gets a hefty program he can barely use because he doesn't listen to people.

Also, RagRappy, maybe your intentions are overall good, but standing up for dipshits (who do enough grandstanding on their own) isn't a good look, hun.
Consider things in future encounters. I meant no bias or harm like he's claiming when I "barged in here". I came in, saw a topic I was interested in (video editors/editing) and gave my input how I always do. Which isn't something in need of fixing. And instead of ACTUALLY IGNORING MY POST he made the *declaration* he wouldn't read any of it.
Which is a SIGNAL that he wishes to provoke others. Which is *totally something good people who deserve to be helped do.*

Anyhow, time to break my previous statement of ignoring and then immediately get back to my life, lol...

the audacity of some people stepping in to blogpost and "educate" you about some subject they're not even knowledgeable on with a high and mighty attitude who then get offended and act all superior when you non-aggressively tell them you're not gonna read the entire lecture

having a voice on the internet doesn't grant you the right to have others read what you post/be heard and you shouldn't expect people to like you or even listen to you if you barge into a thread with a "UHM AKSHULLY GIVE UP CHUD THIS ISN'T FOR YOU"
"blogpost" uh huh... that the word you use for when someone gives input in a way that's verbose? Lord FORBID someone writes casually.
Anything can be a "blogpost" by your retarded metrics.
Also I'VE LITERALLY GOTTEN PAID TO SIT THROUGH AND EDIT INDIE FILMS. So uh, yeah. What I wrote here had CREEDANCE, whether your smelly unwashed dog-girl pfp ass recognizes that or not.

I wasn't implying "GIVE UP CHUD" I *Was* implying "Hey, if you're planning to avoid annoyance, you literally can't. Video editing, even when you've got the right gear WILL HAVE IT'S HANGUPS.
A smart person (i.e. not You) would see that and ASK what ways there are to work around it.
For those who read this and aren't wastes of human potential, I *personally* think the "render from region loop" option in VEGAS/Movie Studio is a godsend.

If you aren't willing to sit through each time a program renders to see which frame it gets stuck on... well you aren't cut from a clothe of doing editing that's interesting.
If you WANT SIMPLE stick to, I dunno, fuggn'... Microsoft's basic stuff included with Windows.
Instead of bitching when people come in after your little bitch ass can't fuckin handle the fact that video editing, on the whole, has hangups.

Go on, antagonize more people who approach you out of the blue on internet forums trying to help and be a part of a general discussion that goes far beyond yourself.
I'm sure it's a great way to make friends! Or hey, friends not what you're looking for? At least it'd be a decent way to LEARN.
But you're not here to learn, even when you propose questions. You're here to assert.
I know the kind of person you are. I've dealt with you before in my own life. I don't owe you anything and you can fuck off, mate.

I'm not "expecting people to like me" fucknugget. I AM expecting SOME (not you, because you're illiterate and, in my opinion, don't deserve to own a keyboard or net connection, but oh well.)
World's full'a assholes. It's easy to be one. (You're also an anti-semite, given your choice of words I've seen in another thread) which means MORALLY people should ignore you.
Of which I will continue do starting...
let me just see here....


Okay then, well, the TLDR; of my previous posts before cumbucket got all puffy about me is this--- video editing will ALWAYS have issues. You have to be able and WILLING to try and figure out
ways by which you can counter those hangups. It takes different approaches each time. Just like, let's say, *dealing with cunts online.* Don't let it get your spirits down!
So what, a couple of programs are tough, but some of you (not all) are smart, kind, and willing to listen to people. I know I am! I seek out advice however and whenever it comes to making things.

May those of you who are not cunts prosper, your video editors the least dreadful to use, and your online videos gain audiences you've earned through hardwork and not just whining at programs!

I'll take dealing with a stubborn program I have to work through over dealing with an illegitimate unmindful person any day of any week! Hehahahah

Also, never be afraid to experiment. YouTubers, at least notable ones, have been delving into a type of homogeny in their approaches to editing. And while I do understand it's appropriate for some formats to have them set up a certain way, perhaps it would be just as good to see newer ideas on how videos can be put together and published. I think so anyhow!

I'm gonna go eat, play some RE4, and enjoy the evening ahead of me (comfily!) I have no more personal obligations in this particular thread!
yeah i'm not reading an even longer indignant blogpost than last time buddy, cope seethe sneed or whatever makes you feel better and remember that people won't put up with your shit attitude irl lmao
yeah i'm not reading an even longer indignant blogpost than last time buddy, cope seethe sneed or whatever makes you feel better
Maybe to piss you off I should just keep doing this. Just absolutely flood your threads with walls of text. And hey, I can keep them tied to a topic, too!
I didn't make straight A in English, creative writing, and social studies/speech classes FOR NOTHING lol
Like, honestly, you are such a pompous asshole.
You can't even handle VIDEO EDITING. It's so easy, *if* you have patience.
And you don't, so you'll never finish any videos.
Which is a good thing as I'm seeing it.

like, did your parents hit you? Mine did and I turned out decent. Maybe yours didn't do so enough or something.
You've got some weird anger problems. All I did was give input in a meaningful way and YOU outloud disregarded it. You KNOW what to do to get reactions and responses.
Then get all up-your-own-ass when... people give.... reactions and responses.

It's almost like your an asshole and when you beg for help people should ignore you.
Cry wolf all day long, dog-girl pfp. Lol

Like that one kid who my friends and I laughed back in my early RPGMaker days. Kid got mad that you HAVE TO GO THROUGH EACH TILE to change how it lets you move.
We don't build the programs so it's not on us to be there for YOU or for him. We CHOSE to give input, like I did when I "came in here".
You being a dick just means that. You're a dick. You take pride it in, I can tell. Well, dickhead, I take pride in confronting dickheads online. Whether it's right-wingers on Twitter or in forums like this!

And I'm proud of who I am and how I handle things!
That's why I don't hide myself behind an alias.
I signed up using MY name. And I stand by the things I write here.

Speaking of which, I think I'll just ignore your account entirely. You've proven you lack any integrity or human worth.
Maybe to piss you off I should just keep doing this. Just absolutely flood your threads with walls of text. And hey, I can keep them tied to a topic, too!
I didn't make straight A in English, creative writing, and social studies/speech classes FOR NOTHING lol
Like, honestly, you are such a pompous asshole.
You can't even handle VIDEO EDITING. It's so easy, *if* you have patience.
And you don't, so you'll never finish any videos.
Which is a good thing as I'm seeing it.

like, did your parents hit you? Mine did and I turned out decent. Maybe yours didn't do so enough or something.
You've got some weird anger problems. All I did was give input in a meaningful way and YOU outloud disregarded it. You KNOW what to do to get reactions and responses.
Then get all up-your-own-ass when... people give.... reactions and responses.

It's almost like your an asshole and when you beg for help people should ignore you.
Cry wolf all day long, dog-girl pfp. Lol

Like that one kid who my friends and I laughed back in my early RPGMaker days. Kid got mad that you HAVE TO GO THROUGH EACH TILE to change how it lets you move.
We don't build the programs so it's not on us to be there for YOU or for him. We CHOSE to give input, like I did when I "came in here".
You being a dick just means that. You're a dick. You take pride it in, I can tell. Well, dickhead, I take pride in confronting dickheads online. Whether it's right-wingers on Twitter or in forums like this!

And I'm proud of who I am and how I handle things!
That's why I don't hide myself behind an alias.
I signed up using MY name. And I stand by the things I write here.

Speaking of which, I think I'll just ignore your account entirely. You've proven you lack any integrity or human worth.
given how impressed I was by the flawless one-line install on my system using the davinci-resolve package from AUR, maybe you'll have luck to extend the media-creation capabilities of your windows host by running Linux in a VM to do Video Editing (what a time to be alive)
Why is this argument always made when someone wants a convenient to use or (at least functioning tool) in creative fields? Can you imagine how stupid this all would sound if you applied this logic to any other activity?

Can you imagine if someone insisted that using impact guns makes you a shitty mechanic or using a electric cart retriever makes you a bad cart pusher?

Sorry if this is blunt, but nobody can stand your condescending attitude, it's video editing, not astronaut training, you're not special compared to anyone else because your buddy has internet points. (surely the only reason you felt the need to share his YT channel)

also gonna tell you in advance i probably wont be reading your presidential speech response either

Anyway on the subject of video editing, I'm pretty shitty at it, so i cant say might: however for small things like slideshows and speedpaints, Blender has a pretty versatile video editor built in; of course it lacks basic features but it works for what I need. It's like using windows movie maker, to be honest, very limited but tends to allow me to import and export lots of file types without issues, and there are plug ins available for even more versatility.

Maybe this could also be used to convert video files :D
Why is this argument always made when someone wants a convenient to use or (at least functioning tool) in creative fields? Can you imagine how stupid this all would sound if you applied this logic to any other activity?

Can you imagine if someone insisted that using impact guns makes you a shitty mechanic or using a electric cart retriever makes you a bad cart pusher?

Sorry if this is blunt, but nobody can stand your condescending attitude, it's video editing, not astronaut training, you're not special compared to anyone else because your buddy has internet points. (surely the only reason you felt the need to share his YT channel)

also gonna tell you in advance i probably wont be reading your presidential speech response either

Anyway on the subject of video editing, I'm pretty shitty at it, so i cant say might: however for small things like slideshows and speedpaints, Blender has a pretty versatile video editor built in; of course it lacks basic features but it works for what I need. It's like using windows movie maker, to be honest, very limited but tends to allow me to import and export lots of file types without issues, and there are plug ins available for even more versatility.

Maybe this could also be used to convert video files :D

Go back.


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    Iā€™ve used milkytracker itā€™s pretty decent especially if you donā€™t wanna spend any cash. However if youā€™re willing to spend just a bit I think renoise is a great tracker with a lot of versatile features. Also if your not used to using a tracker I always recommend the exact same tracker I started with and thatā€™s lsdj <3
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