Is there a video editor for windows that isn't absolute fucking garbage?

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Is there a video editor for windows that isn't absolute fucking garbage?

I tried everything and nothing works right.
Vegas 8/9/17/18: it crashes 80% of the time when trying to do anything
Shotcut: see above
Kdenlive: see above
Openshot: see above
Premiere CC (any): crashes, also extremely slow
Resolve: see above
Filmora: see above

I know my 3570K is 10 years old but how the fuck did people make youtube videos back in 2012/2013?
Isn't there some hardware-accelerated video editor that can make use of my 1080 Ti?
I don't want to buy an egpu setup for my macbook just to make fucking youtube videos.
i use capcut
I use olive btw, 0.2 crashes all the time and the node system they are implementing is an awful idea and a huge waste of open source dev time, it's in eternal development btw, but it has the best user experience and ease of install ever (i use arch btw).
olive video editor 0.1 was a dream vs all the other shitty linux video editors, it was really simple and comfy to use and it had user contributed .glsl shaders effects (This is gone now because 0.2 started the project from scratch and they haven't re-implemented it yet).
I wanted to use Davinki Resolve but it's annoying to install, just ship out an AppImage you retards.

Anyways the situation is so bad you might as well try those adobe alternatives that only work on the web browser (WEBAPPS WTF WHY) like pikimov dot com, I wish Capcut worked on the browser easily i need to make some sigma edits.

The kikes caused this.
The thing that was amazing when I tried 0.1 is that it was very quick and it didn't start prerendering fucking everything when you haven't done any cuts or edits yet, 0.2 still has this so it's very smooth and you can watch how your edit is going at 60fps instead of everything slowing to a crawl at 2fps (yes blenders video editor does this)
It's the most promising video editor of the bunch but they have a bad open source model, can't get funding or good contributors and the community is kinda dead, the editor is in its infancy and right now the node system is a mistake that can end up killing the project, I wanted to color key some shit out of a clip and it was like playing some insane puzzle game, took me hours.

tl;dr: its fast and its simple to cut and rearrange clips around with no lag (this is because of a custom video editing library that is not the laggy shit that kdenlive/shotcut/etc uses), crops and transforms that just work, had glsl shader effects that where amazing but not anymore, nodes are a mistake
it crashes a lot because its in eternal alpha and its never becoming a finished product btw, if the audio is fucked do Tools > Preferences > Audio and change the backend, i set it to JACK and it stopped being fucked btw.
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