I was recently found myself down a YouTube rabbit hole whilst looking for weird and obscure music. Whilst I was looking for cool shit to listen to I stumbled across this channel called Roverseer. As of writing this the channel has 2 subscribers and 4 videos uploaded between October of 2021 and June of 2022 (none of the which have over 15 views). The music posted on the channel is experimental electronic music. A lot of it kinda sucks and sounds like it was made by a 3 year old who just got a hold of FL Studio but there are some gems on there too (my personal favs include: Migraine, Muddy Waters and Icy Caverns). The is inactive and the description of the last video states that the owner decided that music wasn't for them (I have to agree) and that they weren't going to upload anymore music. They also have a SoundCloud and an Instagram linked to the channel which are also both inactive. I just thought I'd share this with you guys since it seems to be pretty down your street. I'll attach the links to all the videos below. I also plan on downloading all of the songs and making an archive when I find the time (unless someone else wants to do it). Happy listening.

Migraine - Roverseer
An original song made by me.Art also by me.Enjoy :)Listen on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rover-seer-223200507/migraine?si=55680523f2ac410387098a21bb1a...

Roverseer - Ethereal Garden (full album)
My first album!Enjoy :)Tracklist:00:00 - Ethereal Garden02:02 - Imbalance04:03 - Migraine05:19 - Supercharged Highway07:15 - Neon Underground09:06 - Whooshin...

Roverseer - Snowman In The Sky (Full EP)
This is my first EP! It's a different vibe from the stuff on Ethereal Garden but I'm really happy with how it turned out. I'm also working on another album w...

Roverseer - Luxury Cruise (FULL ALBUM)
I don't plan to make more music after this. I just don't feel like it's for me. I hope you've enjoyed what I've put out in the past though.Thanks for stickin...