FL Studio Hate Thread

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FL Studio Hate Thread

Whatever your opinion on any DAW is, Bitwig will blow them all out of the water - it's new, optimized and allows for sounds and effects which are not possible in any other DAW.
I'd specify more but I'm only speaking from past, secondhand experience from collaborating heavily with a music producer who's been missing for a year now.
(The guy also has like >200GB of my original samples and can probably clone me if he wanted to)
I just don't like FL's UI to be honest. Ableton just feels far more refined and things are organized better.
As someone who uses FruityLoops since v2.x... You have no idea what you are talking about, bro :-)
It's like saying: "I don't know how to use a saw, so fuck saws!"
If you wrap your head around FL, it's the fastest and most flexible DAW out there imho.

However... Every DAW is more than fine if you can handle it.
I personally don't like ableton for many reasons, however i use it almost daily because it has it's specific strenghts.

SAY NO TO DAW WARS (and war in general)
As someone who uses FruityLoops since v2.x... You have no idea what you are talking about, bro :-)
It's like saying: "I don't know how to use a saw, so fuck saws!"
If you wrap your head around FL, it's the fastest and most flexible DAW out there imho.

However... Every DAW is more than fine if you can handle it.
I personally don't like ableton for many reasons, however i use it almost daily because it has it's specific strenghts.

SAY NO TO DAW WARS (and war in general)
i tried using fl studio a long time ago and found it so awkward to use i went back to mobile garageband
just use magix music maker
i honestly don't know why people shit on FL all the time. it all depends on your workflow, how your mind works and what you want to achieve. i've been fucking around with FL for over a decade, still have version 3.0 installed on my thinkpad t60 running XP.

i mainline FL 12 and i'm too stubborn to learn a new system. for all the producers that say "noooo you can't make 'X' genre in FL" just speaks to how braindead they are.

logic, abelton, reason, reaper, audacity, audition, acid, cakewalk, soundforge, the list goes on - i've tried them all. maybe because i'm too stupid to understand anything else, but FL just speaks to me with how it works, flows and ultimately functions.

Whatever your opinion on any DAW is, Bitwig will blow them all out of the water - it's new, optimized and allows for sounds and effects which are not possible in any other DAW.
I'd specify more but I'm only speaking from past, secondhand experience from collaborating heavily with a music producer who's been missing for a year now.
(The guy also has like >200GB of my original samples and can probably clone me if he wanted to)
goddamn you have 200GB of samples? thats some serious sound designing going on XD
(Why can't i have normal instrument tracks like every single other daw)
you can if you want! you can link an instrument or a sample to a playlist track and have it work just like a traditional daw

sorry for not hating, i just cant stop fruity looping
As someone who uses FruityLoops since v2.x... You have no idea what you are talking about, bro :-)
It's like saying: "I don't know how to use a saw, so fuck saws!"
If you wrap your head around FL, it's the fastest and most flexible DAW out there imho.

However... Every DAW is more than fine if you can handle it.
I personally don't like ableton for many reasons, however i use it almost daily because it has it's specific strenghts.

SAY NO TO DAW WARS (and war in general)
sorry to necro (even tho imma do it anyway) but i was gonna say something like this. a lot of my music producer friends and faves use FL Studio. Benn Jordan, 9th Wonder, Tee Lopes, Toby Fox, for examples. mind you, those friends have composing jobs and work on indie games. i also know Adam Neely and Nelward use ableton, and theyre phenomenal musicians and artists. i have a buddy who makes amazing hip-hop music with Logic Pro and that's Cory Wong's weapon of choice for production work. it's ALL good.

what matters is the end result, really. if you dont like FL, thats cool. i get the issues people have with it. i really do. but like. if ur hating on it, its living rent free in ur head. and thats weird to be giving squatter's rights to a DAW of all things. i personally couldnt stand ableton's design and layout. not to mention, i have a full-time job. i spent most of my youth learning how to use FL, i dont have the time to figure out a new DAW when i could be spending that time using the old DAW to make music.

also FL has the best pianoroll bar none. theres always tradeoffs and it isnt perfect (keyswitch indicators would be nice!!!!!) when your fave DAW gets a piano roll that good, we can talk. til then... FL GANG 4 LIFETIME FREE UPDATES
Whatever your opinion on any DAW is, Bitwig will blow them all out of the water - it's new, optimized and allows for sounds and effects which are not possible in any other DAW.
I'd specify more but I'm only speaking from past, secondhand experience from collaborating heavily with a music producer who's been missing for a year now.
(The guy also has like >200GB of my original samples and can probably clone me if he wanted to)
Never tried Bitwig. However i doubt it's better than REAPER + plugdata/jsfx/lua-plugins.
Imma give Bitwig credit tho. At least they support Linux.
BTW i only use Fruity Loops 1.4(?)
Anything else is bloated and unusable.

as much as i wanted to say something about the "Anything else is bloated and unusable." comment, i cant even hate cuz the music is fire. and thats what matters to me lol
the first daw i used was LMMS (which was and is shit), but it's fairly similar to FL Studio, so thats just what I transitioned to. I see my friend use ableton and it scares me how different it is, and in my mind FL and Ableton are the only daws that exist.

also i do make gamer music but the good kind (funk)
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