Favourite OST's?
~~~Quality OST's~~

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Favourite OST's?
~~~Quality OST's~~

The ClassicDungeon/ClaDun OST has IMMACULATE mixing and they're all bangers, especially the Yoh Ohyama tracks - that man MASTERED the art of creating and keeping up the illusion of movement through sound.
I've attached some of his works here and uploaded Disc 1 of the OST (320kbps AAC) to the site.


The ClassicDungeon/ClaDun OST has IMMACULATE mixing and they're all bangers, especially the Yoh Ohyama tracks - that man MASTERED the art of creating and keeping up the illusion of movement through sound.
I've attached some of his works here and uploaded Disc 1 of the OST (320kbps AAC) to the site.
as well as the enchantingly melancholic title theme 'You're a Treasure' by Kaori Tsutsui which refuses to fucking upload so here's a catbox link instead.
honestly rocket league... i was surprised to hear that most of it is original cuz so much of it is just awesome club music from awesome guys
that game, unreal tournament, half-life, hotline miami are probably the reason i only listen to electronic music now
edit: metal gear in that list too
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Plants v Zombies OST is pretty epic.

melty blood ost goes fucking crazy been sampling it for ages now plus ratchet & clank p sure theres a sample pack of r&c floating around somewhere too
melty mentioned šŸ˜„
MBAACC is my favorite fighting game, so many lovely tracks. Melty OP and Everlasting Destiny are powerful


Tsukihime's OST is also up there. the music just fits. idrk how else to explain it lol.

Azure Striker Gunvolt is amazing as well
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