
  1. ninturez0

    💠 📸 images Magic: The Gathering card images in various resolutions and languages 2022-02-08

    Magic: The Gathering card images in various resolutions and languages contains cards from 234 MTG sets in english, and a smaller amount of cards in other languages There is over 200,000 individual images in the folders, totalling up to just 14GB. These were ripped from which...
  2. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📸 images NowandLater / CinnamonSpots Telegram sticker archive 2022-02-08

    The following page contains mature or adult material that is not safe for viewing at work. NowandLater / CinnamonSpots Telegram sticker archive furry sticker packs made by a popular artist. 1,171 sticker packs in total, and about 24,000 individual stickers (!!!)
  3. ninturez0

    💠  📸 images world4jack Texture Garden 2022-02-08

    world4jack Texture Garden Over 19000 textures, mostly of the low-res ps1 aesthetic kind src: / (archive) / (archive)
  4. ninturez0

    💠 🎥 video world4jack Youtube Archive (as of August 19 2021) 2022-02-08

    world4jack Youtube Archive (as of August 19 2021) "There should be no limitations on idea and thought. Expression with the boundaries dissolved. Creation unchained. Now let's smoke ya cunts!" src...
/pub/ ~ public channel
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