Favorite food thread !?
Share your fav food ! Or just food you like in general ! Or even food you dislike !

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Favorite food thread !?
Share your fav food ! Or just food you like in general ! Or even food you dislike !


comfy friend
Jan 10, 2024
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I need some,,,, food ideas. So please, share some of your favorites. Can be anything really (you can be silly :33) ! Right now i really like eggs ! Any eggs <3 !
Share your fav food ! Or just food you like in general ! Or even food you dislike !
Fried calamari. I'd kill for fried calamari.
In my sea food restaurant work sometimes some people ordering things like calamari and never touches them so some coworkers and i eating them in the dishwashing room it's kinda feels depressing sometimes but when i taste the calamari my brain just says idgaf all the time lol
pasta but immediately after making it, you mix in a shit ton of olive oil on it and salt, and let it soak into the pasta for a little bit, it makes it taste way better and it also keeps for a good long while. i usually put chopped and sautéed garlic, chopped olives, basil, parmesan and/or feta cheese on it. this is the superior way to make pasta and tomato sauce is a false god. this doesn't work well with spaghetti however. the pasta needs to have a shape that's at least somewhat intriguing
pasta but immediately after making it, you mix in a shit ton of olive oil on it and salt, and let it soak into the pasta for a little bit, it makes it taste way better and it also keeps for a good long while. i usually put chopped and sautéed garlic, chopped olives, basil, parmesan and/or feta cheese on it. this is the superior way to make pasta and tomato sauce is a false god. this doesn't work well with spaghetti however. the pasta needs to have a shape that's at least somewhat intriguing
as the resident italian i'll approve it but only because i crave salt 24/8
I got to have Haggis 2x this year... A couple of days before Burns Night, and on Burns Night!

It would be pretty easy to have haggis more frequently than that, but I think it would ruin the novelty.
I love ramen soups with bbq grippos crushed in them, absolutely delish!!! Wanna' torture me??? Serve liver, beets, or radishes, disgusting.....
Take some spam, cut it into fry shapes, pan-cook it, and dip it in a light amount of Hoisin sauce. That shit's the bomb if you eat it with some kind of chips on the side. Make sure you have some water though because it's a bit salty!
chebureki are a pain to make but god are they worth it. great food to share or to eat for a week straight tbh. make some salad next to it and you wont want to eat anything else for the rest of the month
a simple recipe admittedly but i really like cooking homemade hamburger helper, i find it extremely hearty and it makes for plenty of food either if u have people yr cooking for or if u just need something to eat for a few days
I saw this thread and remembered the bomb ass mac n' cheese I made myself not too long ago- salted boiled elbow mac, butter, milk, extra cheese for richness, a dash of garlic and a few turns of cracked black pepper on top. It's so simple yet absolutely delightful!
Ice cream? :3
my mother used to make this pasta, where it's like a ton of pasta mixed with diced bacon, chopped chorizo, sausages, chili sausages, then u grate a ton of cheese, throw that in, then a ton of cream cheese too, and then u dump a whole jar of bolognese sauce into it too. best meal of all tiemz
my mother used to make this pasta, where it's like a ton of pasta mixed with diced bacon, chopped chorizo, sausages, chili sausages, then u grate a ton of cheese, throw that in, then a ton of cream cheese too, and then u dump a whole jar of bolognese sauce into it too. best meal of all tiemz
it sound sooooo good and tasty

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