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This and pretty much everything else that came out from the Australian music label Bloody Fist is some of the best hardcore/gabba/breakcore/whateverthehellelsecore I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. Enjoy :D

gud shit
This and pretty much everything else that came out from the Australian music label Bloody Fist is some of the best hardcore/gabba/breakcore/whateverthehellelsecore I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. Enjoy :D


listening to kyoto sen by pk shampoo. its been resonating with me a lot lately
(as a heads up the video has a lot of continuous flashing lights)
All in all, I've been catering to Zotiyac for a long time, alternating with KamikazešŸ˜†šŸ˜‡

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      BunbunWhoSqueaks @ BunbunWhoSqueaks: i would become friend with all of them :0