making music!
its FUN, come join

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making music!
its FUN, come join

do you guys use a particular program to store all your music nicely? I used iTunes, but since I recently uninstalled windows in favor of gnu/linux i cant rlly use it anymore lol

I still have all my mp3s tho
I also daily drive gnu/linux, my preferred distros being void and archlabs (i just rly like bunsen labs but having access to the AUR is always nice). I use alpine for my homelab and it runs on an instance of proxmox. I personally would stay away from iTunes altogether and would suggest that you opt for organizing your own folder structure for your collection; i.e, my collection's folder structure is as follows: Collection/Album Artist/Album/tracks + cover art go here (if the cover art isnt baked into the tags of the tracks). Let's say as an example that you're using Slsk. In Soulseek, set your download folder to be a separate folder from your curated collection. Download all you want, but after downloading you'll want to open the download directory in something like Mp3tag or MusicBrainz Picard. Picard is great but it's a bit too automated for me, so I prefer the control that comes with Mp3tag. Upon finishing the tags for *insert album*, use your tagging program to move it into your collection so that you know you've finished peoperly tagging it and prepping it to go in your collection. This is how I do things, though instead of using SLSK, I mostly get my stuff off private trackers (the tags are usually much more proper and not so jank this way)
I also daily drive gnu/linux, my preferred distros being void and archlabs (i just rly like bunsen labs but having access to the AUR is always nice). I use alpine for my homelab and it runs on an instance of proxmox. I personally would stay away from iTunes altogether and would suggest that you opt for organizing your own folder structure for your collection; i.e, my collection's folder structure is as follows: Collection/Album Artist/Album/tracks + cover art go here (if the cover art isnt baked into the tags of the tracks). Let's say as an example that you're using Slsk. In Soulseek, set your download folder to be a separate folder from your curated collection. Download all you want, but after downloading you'll want to open the download directory in something like Mp3tag or MusicBrainz Picard. Picard is great but it's a bit too automated for me, so I prefer the control that comes with Mp3tag. Upon finishing the tags for *insert album*, use your tagging program to move it into your collection so that you know you've finished peoperly tagging it and prepping it to go in your collection. This is how I do things, though instead of using SLSK, I mostly get my stuff off private trackers (the tags are usually much more proper and not so jank this way)
damn thats interesting lol. I'll probably download that mp3tag thing, thanks! For me, the problem is that I have a little 2004 iPod I like to keep my music on lol, but I've heard you can crack the firmware on it super easy. if I get stuck one of my friends is a fucking pod doctor I swear to christ he has like 10 of those things all hacked all modded so he can probably help me out lmao.

also, I made some new music for my game! this is the music that plays when you first gain control of the protagonist. The bassline is a regrettably a little quiet haha


damn thats interesting lol. I'll probably download that mp3tag thing, thanks! For me, the problem is that I have a little 2004 iPod I like to keep my music on lol, but I've heard you can crack the firmware on it super easy. if I get stuck one of my friends is a fucking pod doctor I swear to christ he has like 10 of those things all hacked all modded so he can probably help me out lmao.

also, I made some new music for my game! this is the music that plays when you first gain control of the protagonist. The bassline is a regrettably a little quiet haha
Damn this shit sounds awesome. Glad you shared it. Looking forward to hearing your next track :)
damn thats interesting lol. I'll probably download that mp3tag thing, thanks! For me, the problem is that I have a little 2004 iPod I like to keep my music on lol, but I've heard you can crack the firmware on it super easy. if I get stuck one of my friends is a fucking pod doctor I swear to christ he has like 10 of those things all hacked all modded so he can probably help me out lmao.

also, I made some new music for my game! this is the music that plays when you first gain control of the protagonist. The bassline is a regrettably a little quiet haha
dude that's awesome!! I've meant to get a dedicated music player for a long time but haven't gotten around to it. There's so many great ones that are able to drive good headphones! I do most of my listening at my computer, because I have a studio monitor setup and it's ultimately the best sounding way for me to listen to music. Hacking iPods is such a sick hobby, I've never screwed around with that, maybe I should! The closest thing I've done in terms of hardware hacking is circuit bending synthesizers, which is also a blast.

Love that music!! Do you have a playable alpha/test build of your game I could try? I'd love to see it :>
dude that's awesome!! I've meant to get a dedicated music player for a long time but haven't gotten around to it. There's so many great ones that are able to drive good headphones! I do most of my listening at my computer, because I have a studio monitor setup and it's ultimately the best sounding way for me to listen to music. Hacking iPods is such a sick hobby, I've never screwed around with that, maybe I should! The closest thing I've done in terms of hardware hacking is circuit bending synthesizers, which is also a blast.

Love that music!! Do you have a playable alpha/test build of your game I could try? I'd love to see it :>
My iPod's battery is broken right now, but yeah they're definitely fun! They're really not hard to get a hold of either, my 4th gen cost me £40 and even then I overpaid for it a little.

Thanks! I hope to have a test build within the next week or two, get some of that good good FEEDBACK. I'm really glad you all seem to like the music for it!
Wet Land by Hiroshi Yoshimura is one of my favourites, you can find it on soulseek, yt, or I could even send it to you if you'd like. Peshay's 1996 Studio Set is a fucking masterpiece and it blew up on youtube like last year and got alot of people into jungle, myself included. It's very beautiful music. RDJ by aphex twin is great also. Team Mekano's new record is fucking brilliant, and has some fucking unreal techno tunes on it.

My favourite album ever, is a very weird one because it's one of the few non techno/ambient records I like, and I REALLY love it, I have a poster of it on my wall lol. The 2004 version of Brian Wilson's "SMiLE" is fucking godly, I could sing it's praises for hours but I'll say you should listen to it lol. Listen to the 1967 version if you like MEKANOTIER compression lol.
Epic! Ill check them out!
I remeber getting reccomended the peshay studio set too lmao. Good stuff!
My iPod's battery is broken right now, but yeah they're definitely fun! They're really not hard to get a hold of either, my 4th gen cost me £40 and even then I overpaid for it a little.

Thanks! I hope to have a test build within the next week or two, get some of that good good FEEDBACK. I'm really glad you all seem to like the music for it!
I just sold my 4th gen 20gb to a friend for 40 and regret it a lil lol. My phone has a really good DAC tho so i mostly use that more than anything
Wet Land by Hiroshi Yoshimura is one of my favourites, you can find it on soulseek, yt, or I could even send it to you if you'd like. Peshay's 1996 Studio Set is a fucking masterpiece and it blew up on youtube like last year and got alot of people into jungle, myself included. It's very beautiful music. RDJ by aphex twin is great also. Team Mekano's new record is fucking brilliant, and has some fucking unreal techno tunes on it.

My favourite album ever, is a very weird one because it's one of the few non techno/ambient records I like, and I REALLY love it, I have a poster of it on my wall lol. The 2004 version of Brian Wilson's "SMiLE" is fucking godly, I could sing it's praises for hours but I'll say you should listen to it lol. Listen to the 1967 version if you like MEKANOTIER compression lol.

The Peshay's 1996 Studio Set got me into jungle. Im more of a raw ass techno-head but listening to it hook me hard into that specific style of jungle.

Now that i think about it that album was a gateway to all thing breakbeat.
The Peshay's 1996 Studio Set got me into jungle. Im more of a raw ass techno-head but listening to it hook me hard into that specific style of jungle.

Now that i think about it that album was a gateway to all thing breakbeat.
There's a track on that album called "Tychonic Cycle", it's one of my favorite pieces of music ever. It's so OPTIMISTIC. Like my favorite songs are ones that can get an emotional reaction from me no matter how many times I've heard them, and that's one of them. It makes me feel so hopeful.

I actually used it as the level theme to test the music in my game, it really got me into the vibe I wanted, hearing all the time while seeing this little world I'm building slowly come together :D

I attached it to the post, for anyone scrolling through this and didn't read, I DID NOT MAKE THIS SONG.


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There's a track on that album called "Tychonic Cycle", it's one of my favorite pieces of music ever. It's so OPTIMISTIC. Like my favorite songs are ones that can get an emotional reaction from me no matter how many times I've heard them, and that's one of them. It makes me feel so hopeful.

I actually used it as the level theme to test the music in my game, it really got me into the vibe I wanted, hearing all the time while seeing this little world I'm building slowly come together :D

I attached it to the post, for anyone scrolling through this and didn't read, I DID NOT MAKE THIS SONG.
Man, this is lush. I absolutely love this. Jonny L is great, I have a couple of his tracks in my collection. namely "piper" off of the XL recordings Pay Close Attention album and "moon" off of Hospital Records' Sick Music 3

I should really grab some more of his stuff
There's a track on that album called "Tychonic Cycle", it's one of my favorite pieces of music ever. It's so OPTIMISTIC. Like my favorite songs are ones that can get an emotional reaction from me no matter how many times I've heard them, and that's one of them. It makes me feel so hopeful.

I actually used it as the level theme to test the music in my game, it really got me into the vibe I wanted, hearing all the time while seeing this little world I'm building slowly come together :D

I attached it to the post, for anyone scrolling through this and didn't read, I DID NOT MAKE THIS SONG.
jesus this is a beautiful track. thank you so much for introducing me to Jonny L. this is definitely gonna be replayed to death by me lol
I felt in a very strange mood last night and made this weird ambient track. I was almost in a fugue state when I did it lol. I think it's probably some of the scariest sounds I've made, so I don't think it'll get used for much, but I hope u find it interesting :D


I felt in a very strange mood last night and made this weird ambient track. I was almost in a fugue state when I did it lol. I think it's probably some of the scariest sounds I've made, so I don't think it'll get used for much, but I hope u find it interesting :D
hell yeah dude, maybe i'll start sharing some of my WIPs here as well. I really do like what you posted though! Its just probably better if i render and post them instead of working on them for a few hours and then completely abandoning them
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    I’ve used milkytracker it’s pretty decent especially if you don’t wanna spend any cash. However if you’re willing to spend just a bit I think renoise is a great tracker with a lot of versatile features. Also if your not used to using a tracker I always recommend the exact same tracker I started with and that’s lsdj <3
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  • bananalizard @ bananalizard:
    I use OpenMPT cause you get to select the effects you want to use, plus its super lightweight and easy to use
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    why overthinking too much what the oother will think
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    if they do bite you have an excuse to give them a stank face
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