Looking for software please help

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Looking for software please help


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comfy friend
Jun 29, 2022
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comfy coins
I have a database of over a million messages from a now deleted Discord server. The database contains: Every message (including system messages), all IDs of users (authors, mentioned), information of users (profile picture URL, name, discriminator aka tag, nickname, is a bot), URLs of attachements, stickers and lots of other misc things. Archive is in json format.

I want to make a word cloud of words over time, or some kind of interesting statistics with the messages. What software could I use?
Edit: I ended up making a chatbot based on a markov chain out of it.
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woah, that sounds like a cool project. i honestly have no idea, though.
Python's probably the best bet, but I bet you could do something in Processing. As someone who can't program to save my life I know exactly how unhelpful this is, though.
Yeah what you want to do is pretty specific and I'm afraid you'll have to write your own program, but since working on .json is pretty easy, I don't think that's gonna be much of an issue.
Alternatively you could provide a sample of the json and tell us what exactly do you want and maybe someone will be willing to work on this.
would you mind sharing what you used for that? i am interested
This code was made for an IRC bot but it's easy to modify it for anything you want.
To save you some time understanding how it works:
In order to run it, you must add the bot's username as a paramater: "cgbot.exe comfybot". When you run it, it takes input from stdin (your keyboard in command line). The first word of the input is the username of who is sending the message. The username must always be in one word. Following that is the message. The message ends with "\n"/breakline/enter. To make it learn and enable it to reply, someone with the username "###" must type "ENABLE" (you would type "### ENABLE" in the command line). That will trigger a rehash (relearn) and it will enable the bot to reply only when its name is mentioned. The message will be outputed to stdout (your command line). Markov paramaters are at line 23 and commands are at line 444.

I parsed all messages from the json file into a txt file following the "user message" format and I fed it in via fstream. At the end of the txt file I added an end indicator. I modifed the code to read everything that's in the file and when it reaches the end indicator it triggers a rehash, enables the bot and sends to stdout a "Ready" message and switches to taking input from stdin. I made it work with discord by making a bot in node js which interacts with stdin/stdout.
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