(It's) Friday Night Motherfuckers
Friday Night Motherfuckers

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(It's) Friday Night Motherfuckers
Friday Night Motherfuckers

I missed one or two nights, but tonight's the Friday Night.

I'm cooking tonight, some sick ass nachos - chilli, queso, shredded cheddar and sour cream, whole nine yards. I don't have any avocados to make guac tho.

And I'm listening to /v/ the musical tonight

Hope you have wonderful evening. Stay sane.
It's been over half a year since first post. It's the day once again. Hope you're having great time.
Today might I suggest to you 2019 high concept powermetal album? It's no Gloryhammer or Powerwolf but it's still pretty good.

How are you doing by the way? Are you taking care of yourself? I sure hope you do.
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Can you believe it's been a week already? Have a good Friday Night for me, alright?
This week I've got for you... uh, this I guess:
Holy shit, I almost forgot. Last week I only posted in the chat, but this week deserves a post in the thread, I guess.
For this Friday Night have a TWELVE HOURS LONG Oblivion Retrospective. No music today, only avtism.
Something something Friday Night. Have a something that's basically musical Youtube Poop, but actually good this time

Hope you all are doing good and see you next Friday.
It's been nearly week since we've last met.
Where does the time go?

Have shitty board singing actually good song in dubious way.
Happy Friday Night
Holy fucking shit, you're right! It's Friday Night again! I'm starting my two weeks off, I'm high as shit and it's great.
I'm listening to 8 bit renditions of classic rock songs. It's pretty good, you should try it.

Have a good weekend my lads and gals. I bet you deserve it after long week.

By the way, can you believe it's already 2nd week of March? This year barely started. Crazy stuff.
Holy shit, another Friday Night AND it's Saint Paddy's Day too.

I sure hope you're drunk as shit already. Have a good one.
guys if there's a Northern Ireland where's Southern Ireland
Can you believe another week passed by? 'Cause it's the time again for Friday Night.
How are you doing? Good? That's great. You look good, did you do something with your hair? It really fits you.
I'm rewatching One Piece in my mom's basement. Therefore have a 8bit rendition of We Are

Have a good one, alright? You really earned it this week.
Motherfuckers it's Friday Night again. I'm done with my late shift, got some low quality whiskey and I'm ready for the weekend.
I'm playing Risk of Rain 2 again, because Xeraser Xeraser just HAD to mention it in the chat, and listening to Alestorm, pretty good combination.

I just noticed, what a cute shirt! Is it new? Looks great on you, that's YOUR color, for sure! You really should wear it more often. Well anyway, I don't want to keep you here the whole Friday. Enjoy the rest of your night.
Friday Night again, huh? It's not even 9PM here and I'm already tired as shit, but I stay silly.
Chill songs for tonight, lads.

I almost didn't notice how good you look tonight. I don't know what it is, but you are simply glowing. Whatever it is, keep it up. Take care this weekend, okay?
I'm back, because I decided to play Kirby 64 and though you all should listen to Boss Battle Theme

Have a good Friday Night
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