Favourite OST's?
~~~Quality OST's~~

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Favourite OST's?
~~~Quality OST's~~

I'm not going to post actually popular shit, because everyone knows that Majora's Mask have bangers only policy, but I have at least two NES games that deserve some praise.
First is Samurai Ninja Cats I've posted in some thread before, with highlight being this track:

And the second is soundtrack for Banana Prince, which was mostly played by Nippons and Germans and it's fucking great, just like the game itself, go play it

Honorable mention goes to that one song from Daytona USA which goes way harder than it needs to:
i desperately want to play techno drive, but alas i don't see any arcades near me getting a cab for a driving simulation game from the late 90s anytime soon U_U
i know everyone talks about the bomberman hero ost but it really goes (if you like jungle/dnb and stuff like that). n64 had a lot of great stuff

this is a good one too
Last edited:
I hope there's no restrictions on platforms :)

Turrican (Amiga)
TFMX modules!!

Turrican II (Amiga)

Scream Tracker 3

Daytona USA

melty blood ost goes fucking crazy been sampling it for ages now plus ratchet & clank p sure theres a sample pack of r&c floating around somewhere too
My top 10 would probably go as follows

1. Jet Set Radio
2. Jet Set Radio Future
3. Risk of Rain 2
4. Streets of Rage 2
5. Sonic CD (JP/EU)
6. Streets of Rogue
7. Hylics 2
8. Gunpoint
9. Sonic Rush
10. Starbound Orchestral
i really love the soundtrack to the anime Noir. found the show to be a bit slow, but the soundtrack helped me keep my interest. some of the show is set in france so it has that sort of sound.

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    I’ve used milkytracker it’s pretty decent especially if you don’t wanna spend any cash. However if you’re willing to spend just a bit I think renoise is a great tracker with a lot of versatile features. Also if your not used to using a tracker I always recommend the exact same tracker I started with and that’s lsdj <3
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    I use OpenMPT cause you get to select the effects you want to use, plus its super lightweight and easy to use
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