Favorite quotes

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Favorite quotes


comfy friend
Jun 28, 2022
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for me it's:
"I'm a survivor, we're a dying breed"
"thrust vectoring owns the sky! this thing cat turn on a dime, macross zero-style!"
"in volatile market, only stable investment is porn!"
"I am a man of fortune who will find his fortune"
"When your soul breaks free from your body, you find out that death and shitty pants go hand in hand..."
"What is known ceases to be a nightmare, what you can growl with is no longer so bad"
"It's better to be one of some than all of them"
"You can't resurrect the past. You can't fix a broken glass. But what if it doesn't stick? I'll still pick up the crumbs."
"It will be a lot of fun when you find out that God does exist"
"An unresolved problem must be broken down into smaller pieces and worked out piece by piece"
"Nothing by force, everything with a hammer"
"Walls are just a symbol [...]. A real fortress is built from hearts and minds. From the strength of the spirit and the love of freedom"
"I was just lying in my grave, tossing and turning, and suddenly an idea dawned on me."

These are just a handful of my favorite quotes selected from various books😁
"I normally like cigars, as I am an amerimutt and they remind me of da BBC"
"Nothing changes..... if nothing changes."
"No one is going to do you better than you."
"Do you have to open graves to find girls to fall in love with?"
"Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they're large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more"
"If people lose their incentive to make music
because they're not making money of of it
they're not musicians

they're business people."
- Ian MacKaye
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."
- Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy by Douglas Adams
"All toasters toast toast"

-Mario Mario CDI

"Let's grab a coffee."

This episode of House M.D. (S7 E22) absolutely tore me to shreds. It's so simple but really powerful, especially after everything that happened prior in the episode.


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    RevK said:
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