Doom/Boomer Shooters

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Doom/Boomer Shooters



Any of you guys like Doom? What wads do you like? So far my 2023 has very heavily consisted of getting into custom Doom megawads and I've now recently been dipping my toes into custom Quake content as well, having just finished the two mission packs.
i really like Ultrakill. bayonetta and Doom in the same game. Dusk was fun while i played but it didn't keep my attention great art style. I want to play Amid Evil but i need a better puter :3
Any of you guys like Doom? What wads do you like? So far my 2023 has very heavily consisted of getting into custom Doom megawads and I've now recently been dipping my toes into custom Quake content as well, having just finished the two mission packs.
if you haven't tried it yet house.wad is actually a super neat experience. Fucks around a lot with the GZDooM engine to try off some really wacky shit. Other than that, mostly just recommend grabbing a few half decent map packs and trying the usual gambit of Total Overhauls till you find some shit that's enjoyable enough.
If you haven't checked out any of the total conversion mods, i.e. Demonsteele, Guncaster, Russian Overkill, (ofc) Brutal Doom, etc. I highly recommend it. Standalone projects are really good too, shit like Ashes 2063 and Afterglow, Wolfendoom Blade of Agony and many more. Been modding doom for about 11 years now and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, have fun!
Brutal DOOM is so much fun. I have an old pre-packed build of it, and had a lot of fun going through Doom 1 and 2 with it a while back. Lately the coolest doomer shooter I played was Prodeus (even if it resembles Quake a bit more)
I fucking love Brutal DOOM, i need to learn how to set up different wads. the one i have is pretty much set and go.
I fucking love Brutal DOOM, i need to learn how to set up different wads. the one i have is pretty much set and go.
take the multiple wad files and put them in a separate folder (I call the folder launcher). Select multiple files by click dragging (like you would select multiple units in an RTS game). Open the folder that has your source port (mine is GZDoom). Drag the multiple files onto the source port file to open it with the multiple files loaded and bam you have now loaded multiple mods. Alternatively you can use a program called ZDL (Zdoomlauncher) but I don't really care for it as I'm just used to my method.
PS. Final Doomer slaps check that one out too.
take the multiple wad files and put them in a separate folder (I call the folder launcher). Select multiple files by click dragging (like you would select multiple units in an RTS game). Open the folder that has your source port (mine is GZDoom). Drag the multiple files onto the source port file to open it with the multiple files loaded and bam you have now loaded multiple mods. Alternatively you can use a program called ZDL (Zdoomlauncher) but I don't really care for it as I'm just used to my method.
PS. Final Doomer slaps check that one out too.
fuck yea, thanks. im looking into Final Doomer now
'vanilla' complex doom is a gameplay mod worth playing probably forever
it brings the schĆ¼tt up to modern difficulty standards
there are randomized monster tiers and gear drops
also good blood fx
Brutal Doom and some of its derivates like Project Brutality (which adds more stuff but it's pretty unbalanced and most of the extra stuff feels like fluff but hey it has a cool HUD and whatnot, I'd only recommend it for full 32-map WADs), BD Black Edition (pretty cool flavor but it feels pretty unpolished and iirc it reuses quite a lot of sutff from Brutality) and Brutal Doom Platinum (probably the best fork tbh)
VietDoom is also really cool even if it's gonna be in alpha until the end of time. Russian Overkill is also a must-play along with Trailblazer. Guncaster is pretty cool but I'm really not sure about the whole furry dragon thing.
Forgot to mention it but I'd take Brutal Doom or its derivates over Eternal and ESPECIALLY 2016 ANY day of the week. Those feel more like bad Bulletstorm ripoffs than DOOM games.
2 games to check out are



and Divine Frequency


Both have a free demo available at the moment and both take about 30 minutes to try out so if you're interested to see what people can achieve with the DOOM engine it's worth a look.
Selaco is a guaranteed purchase for me. Divine Frequency has many very interesting ideas but I am holding my breath on that one. It may be a litte too ambitious for the single dev to effectivley mix that odd cocktail of genres and concepts he's going for. The demo shows great potential though.
Really want to delve further into more Doom stuff. Hurt my hand earlier in the year and so haven't been gaming too much overall, but a couple other shooters worth checking into. --Real crunchy and wet, respectively :D

I really hate the term "boomer shooter". Boomers are the ones blaming those games for mass shooting, not playing them
Truly! Or also even originally making them. It's like equating the Senator Liebermans of the land right along with the John Romeros lmao. And I know it ain't a big deal in the grand scheme, and was just a quick designation applied by young folks who don't really know or care, but it's such an errant term.
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