
  1. rivChorus

    Post your favorite tracker/mod music pieces here

    Post here your favorite tracks! I once downloaded a whole pack of tracker music and i've been listening to it for some time. My favorites are: rain_eater.xm by graff (i think) that was made in 2001 and forgone from unreal tournament. I still havent finished going through my...
  2. bapbadwoo

    📎 smol 📦 misc. Renoise.2.8.Linux-DOA 2023-10-11

    I searched through the depths of Usenet and the gutters of the torrent world to find this.
  3. ninturez0

     💿 >100GB 🎶 music Modules Modland FTP as of 13-11-2021 2022-02-15

    Modland FTP as of 13-11-2021 beep boop funny computer music that is very small __ ___ __ __ __ // \/ \ | | | .: welcome to :. | | | | _____ __| | | _____ _____ __| |   ..:| |// , |// , | |// ...
  4. ninturez0

    💠  🎶 music Modules Unreal Tournament (1999) Soundtrack 2022-02-15

    Unreal Tournament (1999) Soundtrack [IT / XM / S3M]
  5. ninturez0

    💠  🎶 music Modules CAVE PGM2XM Rips + Converter 2022-02-04

    CAVE pgm2xm rips + converter Soundtracks of the CAVE IGS PGM games in FastTracker 2 XM format. Contains rips in various formats from Dodonpachi Daioujou, Ketsui, and Espgaluda, as well as other PGM based arcade games. The archive includes the software used to convert from pgm format to xm...
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