• mine craft! mc.floofey.dog:25565


  1. Vila

    Post your finds from the backside of YouTube!

    Hello comfy bros, I recently came across this table full of YouTube search "hacks" to find rare videos, just want to see what other people find among the sea of infinite videos :)
  2. spike

    🔞 NSFW 🔞 NSFW (Possibly NSFL) Self-harm Twitter hashtags and the faults of social media.

    First post btw. Just recently going through investigative style Youtube videos comment sections I noticed someone asking for a deeper dive in to "beantwt", "shtwt" and "styrotwt" tags that have LITERAL children posting and discussing cutting methods, suicide tutorials (including how to overdose...
  3. Lucario


  4. ninturez0

    💠  🔞 🎶 music Sadboy Sheldon - Discography 2022-02-15

    Sadboy Sheldon - Discography Sadboy Sheldon was an early, repudiated alias of Sewerslvt active in 2017. The edgy themes of these works would end up netting her some negative attention on social media and she has since disavowed these tracks. All albums here are in MP3 320kbps. Jenny...
  5. ninturez0

    💠  🔞 🎥 video The Bumfights Collection 2022-02-15

    The following page may contain mature or adult material that is not safe for viewing at work. The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views...
  6. ninturez0

    💠  🔞 🎥 video (2005) LSD Riders - Take It and Love It 2022-02-15

    The following page may contain mature or adult material that is not safe for viewing at work. The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views...
  7. ninturez0

    💠  🔞 📜 >25GB 🎥 video 2019 Hong Kong protests / Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement Protest Videos 2022-02-10

    The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box, its users, or its administration. The following page...
  8. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📜 >25GB 🎥 video Dayton HyperNova youtube archive 2022-02-10

    The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box, its users, or its administration. The following page...
  9. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📸 images NowandLater / CinnamonSpots Telegram sticker archive 2022-02-08

    The following page contains mature or adult material that is not safe for viewing at work. NowandLater / CinnamonSpots Telegram sticker archive furry sticker packs made by a popular artist. 1,171 sticker packs in total, and about 24,000 individual stickers (!!!) www.cinnamonspots.com...
  10. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 🎆> 1TB 🎥 video 2021 Capitol Riot media archive / "Trump protest Jan 06 2021" 2022-02-08

    The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box, its users, or its administration. The following page...
  11. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 🎥 video 2021 Taliban military offensive / Fall of Kabul media archive 2022-02-08

    The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box, its users, or its administration. The following page...
  12. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📜 >25GB 🎥 video 2020 George Floyd / Black Lives Matter protests footage 2022-02-08

    The following page may contain material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the material are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box or its administration. The following page contains extremely graphic...
  13. ninturez0

    📎 smol 📦 misc. 💠 🔞 NSFW 🔞 Yotsuba Society Archives

    ninturez0 submitted a new resource: Yotsuba Society Archives - 20GB of notable 4chan threads, from before the age of fuuka archive sites Read more about this resource...
  14. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📦 misc. Yotsuba Society Archives 2022-02-07

    The following page may contain material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the material are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box or its administration. The following page contains mature or adult...
  15. ninturez0

    🎥 video 📜 >25 GB 💠 🔞 NSFW 🔞 All Gas No Brakes - Patreon & Youtube

    ninturez0 submitted a new resource: All Gas No Brakes - Patreon & Youtube - An archive of the early productions of Americas most reliable journalist. Read more about this resource...
  16. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📜 >25GB 🎥 video All Gas No Brakes - Patreon & Youtube 2022-02-06

    The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box, its users, or its administration. The following page...
  17. ninturez0

    🎶 music LOLI RIPE Discography (2006 - 2009)

    ninturez0 submitted a new resource: LOLI RIPE Discography (2006 - 2009) - The best worst music (?) that you will ever hear. Edgy, brain-melting, ear-raping noise. Read more about this resource...
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