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Project Giant Bible DB V1.0.0

💠  📚 books Project Giant Bible DB V1.0.0 2022-02-10

4chad dev
Publication date
Jul 5, 2021
File size
3.2 GB
Download type
  1. Torrent
  2. Open directory
4.00 star(s)
Project Giant Bible DB V1.0.0
not to be confused with the reference book SQL Bible by Alex Kriegel and Boris M. Trukhnov


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sup it's 4chad dev
an idea came to my mind, that is to gather every single bible in the world
so the last few days I've been scraping, gathering, and structuring
I've scraped every single Bible from ebible.org, and structured them into a giant SQLite database
there are 1235 Bibles listed on ebible.org, of those I was able to download 1222, of those I was able to restructure 1161 into database.
there are also cross references from https://github.com/scrollmapper/bible_databases , I re-structed the data and linked up foreign keys to the verses
now you can look up every single bible, cross reference each verse to
another version or language, and cross reference each verse to another
verse, pretty cool right?
the database is indexed and foreign key linked so it's super fast and topology is good
if you don't know how to use sqlite, just install https://sqlitebrowser.org/
you can also write a script that turns this database to txts, pdfs, with
structured data, the possibility is limitless, just learn SQL bro
>wahhhh, I just want a bunch of txt files, spoon feed now!!!
this is version 1, I'll gather more when I can
I'm at 4chad.org, currently building a new message board, but it's so imperfect I think I'm gonna scratch it again
what's the copyright of this database? public domain
what's my favorite Bible?
- Young's Literal Translation, By Robert Young, for sticking to the word
- King James Version, By Francis Bacon, for being easy to understand for the mundane
Also I found these christian channels really good:
The Word Prophet
Bryan Denlinger
Jul 5 2021
4chad dev
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    aubr3y aubr3y wtf i aint been racist u trippin
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    Natural said:
    yeah honestly ive only just started finding out this sphere "newer old internet", its all pretty cool
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