Recent content by internaut

  1. internaut

    Is there a video editor for windows that isn't absolute fucking garbage?

    I use Camtasia 9 (or 2020) for a long time. It's paid but you should be able to find a crack. It does pretty much all I need it to do: crop/zoom parts of videos, add text or arrows, add images, adjust volume of sound, etc. Maybe you can try Kdenlive. I've tried it and it felt complicated and...
  2. internaut

    Comment by 'internaut' in article 'Conspiracy about glasses'

    I did not feel much less strain on my eyes than without glasses. One of my eyes sees blurrier than the other and the one that sees well compensates for it. The doctor said that the eye that sees well is strained and that will cause damage over time. I don't really understand how that would work...
  3. Conspiracy about glasses

    Conspiracy about glasses

    Today I've been to an ophthalmology clinic and they prescribed me glasses. And that really pissed me off because I could see well enough without glasses. "Well enough" meaning, I can read small text on billboards and see someone running towards me from 50 meters. The doctor admitted that I did...
  4. internaut

    Conspiracy about glasses

    This thread is for the general discussion of the Article Conspiracy about glasses. Please add to the discussion here.
  5. internaut

    Some Nice Thoughts

    Take it as an analogy. The idea is that gay people were in a small community, not very loud, not many people knew about them. The gay community was small, probably it wasn't even a community, just groups forming around in neighborhoods or towns. People like to be apart of small communities...
  6. internaut

    Looking for software please help This code was made for an IRC bot but it's easy to modify it for anything you want. To save you some time understanding how it works: In order to run it, you must add the bot's username as a paramater: "cgbot.exe comfybot". When you run it, it takes input...
  7. internaut

    Looking for software please help

    Thanks for the replies. I ended up making a chatbot based on a markov chain out of it. It's funny
  8. internaut

    Looking for software please help

    I have a database of over a million messages from a now deleted Discord server. The database contains: Every message (including system messages), all IDs of users (authors, mentioned), information of users (profile picture URL, name, discriminator aka tag, nickname, is a bot), URLs of...
  9. internaut

    88,816 random unique Steam profile pictures

    Oh sorry. Missed the link
  10. internaut

    weird fkn artist collective website

    It looks unique and creative. Some might say it looks ugly, but that's just because it's an unusual style. It's clear there has been effort put into it and it looks like there's some deeper stuff going on kinda like lore
  11. internaut

    88,816 random unique Steam profile pictures

    Do you have these or something similar to this in an archive to download ?
  12. internaut

    How can I customize my profile?

    I can't find customization options on my profile...
  13. internaut

    Comment by 'internaut' in article 'How computers evolved faster than us'

    My power meter at home and literally nobody (around me at least) having any concern about power draw of computers Discord is resource intensive (due to Electron) and if it got rewritten in something less resource intensive, computers will draw less power (maybe see ripcord) If the computer...
  14. How computers evolved faster than us

    How computers evolved faster than us

    Thank you for reading my first article. I wish to write this article and any future ones without any bias unless specified. I would like you to know that English isn't my first language, so I may make mistakes, but hopefully you will be able to understand my point. If you find any mistakes...
  15. internaut

    How computers evolved faster than us

    This thread is for the general discussion of the Article How computers evolved faster than us. Please add to the discussion here.
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