Hardware synthesizers/effects/etc discussion thread

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Hardware synthesizers/effects/etc discussion thread


comfy friend
Oct 14, 2024
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Since there seems to be a few music producers here, let's do a hardware thread. Post your fave hardware synths and effects, recent purchases, tips, review stuff, etc. General hardware thread.

Some stuff I've been using a lot lately for my "lab music" project:

- Yamaha AN200
Very fun VA groovebox from the late 90's. Great cheesy digital goodness. Some cool features on there, like the "scene" knob that lets you morph between synth sounds.

Just a good external reverb unit. Sounds good and has a cool reverse reverb setting.

- Eurorack stuff

Mostly sequencing stuff, actually; a Malekko Varigate 4, Pam's, and an IDUM gate effect thing, plus a sampler (1010 Bitbox Micro) and a Qu-Bit Databender. Instant fast fucked up Xanopticon-flavored IDM. I'd really like to get my hands on a WMD Geiger Counter and a Gamma Wave, but they're pretty rare (and expensive...) in eurorack format sadly. Also I can't fit them in my case :(
i have a korg arp odyssey but im thinking of selling it and going back to digital only for a bit. i dont use it enough to justify it sitting there gathering dust. maybe someday ill get back into it all again, id love to have a whole external rack effect system but its just not possible rn.
i have a korg arp odyssey but im thinking of selling it and going back to digital only for a bit. i dont use it enough to justify it sitting there gathering dust. maybe someday ill get back into it all again, id love to have a whole external rack effect system but its just not possible rn.
How did you like the korg? I've heard a lot of mixed things but as with all things I guess it depends on how and what you use it for.
I feel you on the external effects rack thing.... One of those old midiverbs is high up on my list. (and more eurorack shit)
How did you like the korg? I've heard a lot of mixed things but as with all things I guess it depends on how and what you use it for.
I feel you on the external effects rack thing.... One of those old midiverbs is high up on my list. (and more eurorack shit)
its pretty good. i have the version that lets you pick between three types of low-pass filters which adds a lot of different sonic opportunities. some people will complain about the small keys but i never minded it. ive heard good things about the midiverb units, them along with the small half size boss racks are great.
I have a PWM Malevolent. It's pretty great - it's like a modern MS-20. My main complaint with it is the V/oct tracking and lack of documentation. The tracking is awful, and what little documentation on the synth there is is sparse and as it relate to fixing the tracking, nearly nonexistent. I've tried adjusting the trim pots inside the panel to no avail, but I'll probably wind up taking it apart anyway
I have a Yamaha PSR-36. I've used it for a few songs and it's really just a cut down version of the DX7 and every sound is adjustable, making it super versatile and it just has that warmth the DX7 seemingly doesn't have
I have a PWM Malevolent. It's pretty great - it's like a modern MS-20. My main complaint with it is the V/oct tracking and lack of documentation. The tracking is awful, and what little documentation on the synth there is is sparse and as it relate to fixing the tracking, nearly nonexistent. I've tried adjusting the trim pots inside the panel to no avail, but I'll probably wind up taking it apart anyway
Never heard of it before, but checked it out and it looks pretty cool. Shame about the tracking, always a risk with analogue gear I guess but I feel like with modern stuff it should be better than awful, no?
I have a Yamaha PSR-36. I've used it for a few songs and it's really just a cut down version of the DX7 and every sound is adjustable, making it super versatile and it just has that warmth the DX7 seemingly doesn't have
The PSR-36es are great. In a perfect world I'd have one of those and a DX7 for when I want some cold hard FM stuff..........
i dont got much gear but the Ibanez de7 delay is really simple but super charming, if it had a digital version it would probably be the only delay id ever use. i guess its made for guitars but doesn't really matter
I have a Yamaha PSR-36. I've used it for a few songs and it's really just a cut down version of the DX7 and every sound is adjustable, making it super versatile and it just has that warmth the DX7 seemingly doesn't have
i have one of these two i got it for free from a relative. the e-piano preset on it is amazing, it sounds less glassy than a dx7 e-piano but its still great
Most of my hardware is eurorack, but I would say my favorite right now is the IDUM as well lol. Fun to come across someone else using it in a non-modular specific place (ie. muffwiggler). Other than eurorack I am totally digging the Polyend Play+ which I got rather recently and as for effects my favorite is probably a toss up between Shallow Water and Mercury 7.

An old Midiverb is also on my list :)
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    I’ve used milkytracker it’s pretty decent especially if you don’t wanna spend any cash. However if you’re willing to spend just a bit I think renoise is a great tracker with a lot of versatile features. Also if your not used to using a tracker I always recommend the exact same tracker I started with and that’s lsdj <3
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  • bananalizard @ bananalizard:
    I use OpenMPT cause you get to select the effects you want to use, plus its super lightweight and easy to use
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    man im not very active on this forum much
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  • CybrGrl1984 @ CybrGrl1984:
    how are you all?
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  • Wolfmanfur @ Wolfmanfur:
    I'm good and don't worry about not being active, nothing really happens here because the forum is fairly small.
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    hi yall
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  • R (Guest) RevK:
    i'll just share some info
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  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why talking to people is so hard
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  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why overthinking too much what the oother will think
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  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why tf so introvert
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    You just gotta believe!!!
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  • grenadebunny @ grenadebunny:
    hellou i just found this website it looks awesome
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    It’s a fun place full of silly little guys!
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  • azucartues @ azucartues:
    RevK said:
    just relax and talk nobody bites
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  • bananalizard @ bananalizard:
    if they do bite you have an excuse to give them a stank face
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      bananalizard @ bananalizard: if they do bite you have an excuse to give them a stank face