
  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    also another reason why linux is annoying for me
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    ThatsRedacted said:
    To use gpu passthrough you either need two gpus or run host OS without GUI
    yea i'll just get a shitty gpu for that
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    you need a secondary gpu: one for linux and one for kvm, or use a script that removes gpu from linux and connects it to kvm but idk if it works, never tried it, looked sketchy
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    exclusively using virtual machines to easily snapshot whenever shit breaks because i couldn;t be bothered
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    At least how it was few years back
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    To use gpu passthrough you either need two gpus or run host OS without GUI
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    i might do what someordinarygamers does. just everything in KVM with gpu passthrough for gayming
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    I suggest Ubuntu, Mint and Fedora for anyone who want to start using linux
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    internaut said:
    manjaro is arch based
    it is and it's unstable mess. Like I said, I'm still using it, because I don't want to spend my weekend on reinstalling and reconfiguring my OS
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    i was NEVER able to get some good windows software running with wine and NO games worked with steam proton.
    across manjaro, endevaour and debian btw
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    use something with standard releases and you're golden lmao
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    lol i never look at those
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    internaut said:
    same... and everything is like instagram, where you just see the good part of people's lives. everyone's linux works well and better than windows and it's all so good but when you try to install it yourself you run into so much trouble...
    theres a reason all of those "unix porn" screenshots all have an uptime of 5 minutes in the neofetch
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    manjaro is arch based
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    same... and everything is like instagram, where you just see the good part of people's lives. everyone's linux works well and better than windows and it's all so good but when you try to install it yourself you run into so much trouble...
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    ninturez0 said:
    i would switch to linux now but i need a computer that actually works
    Easily doable, just don't use meme distros. Anything based on Arch is straight up wrong decision. I'm on Manjaro currently, but only because I can't be bothered to reinstall
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    i would switch to linux now but i need a computer that actually works
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    i'll stick with windows 10 ltsc for long
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    as soon as win10 runs out of support i'm switching to linux
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    ninturez0 said:
    yeah i saw it but took it with a grain of salt. but thats what we're talking about right? does TPM allow for this kind of censorship?
    iirc currently the main concern is that with the chip they can prevent you from installing anything other than windows on machine you've bought with preinstalled Windows. If that's the case, then we're one step closer to Windows Subscription Service ™. Don't quote me on that though, last time I've read about this was at least a year ago
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    read the article i've sent. tpm is used for a different thing
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    ninturez0 said:
    yeah i saw it but took it with a grain of salt. but thats what we're talking about right? does TPM allow for this kind of censorship?
    i guess microsoft could always implement a checksum check for each file and a database for pirated movies but that wouldn't make much sense and tpm wouldn't do anything in that situation
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    ThatsRedacted said:
    They don't give a shit about those and they only provide dedicated servers
    basically if you're not fucking around on vps and don't put randos in the line of fire you're free to do whatever
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    internaut said:
    btw if you see that image with microsoft pluton prevented you from opening this file because it contains copyright something it's fake
    yeah i saw it but took it with a grain of salt. but thats what we're talking about right? does TPM allow for this kind of censorship?
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    this looks like a useful resource if you want to see how tpm is used:
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    They don't give a shit about those and they only provide dedicated servers
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    SoYouStart, that's the one
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    just go with any of their sister providers, either Kimsufi or the other one, uh...
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    you're shits gone at the first DMCA complaint
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    apparently people use them for seedboxes but like, why
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    ThatsRedacted said:
    ovh is providing pretty good ddos protection actually
    i can't imagine that OVH does too well when it comes to censorship resistance
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    Nope, saw like two youtube videos and read one article back when W11 was a hot topic, but I'm not all that interested in that to be honest, since I'm not using windows anymore
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    btw if you see that image with microsoft pluton prevented you from opening this file because it contains copyright something it's fake
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    ThatsRedacted said:
    windows 11 tpm 2.0 is what you're looking for
    you got a good source for how TPM would allow for the restriction of "unauthorized" software? i dont know anything about this
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    I worked for them for one month and saw some inner workings. Don't remember the details though
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    ovh is providing pretty good ddos protection actually
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    ninturez0 said:
    and lets be real, if you don't have/can't afford good DDoS protection and shit like that, literally anyone could just decide that they don't want your shit online anymore.
    lmao yeah, no doubts about it
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  • internaut @ internaut:
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    ninturez0 said:
    it doesnt really matter anyway. if you are hosting something, anything on the internet, you are always going to be at the whims of your ISP/host, or if you spend the thousands of dollars on an ASN, an IP range, and colocation, you're still at the whims of your upstream or the other ISPs that have to peer with your network in order for those packets to go anywhere
    and lets be real, if you don't have/can't afford good DDoS protection and shit like that, literally anyone could just decide that they don't want your shit online anymore.
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    oh also my isp gives me free dynamic dns so i have something like (isp is the name of my isp which i'm not saying) which always points to my dynamic ip
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    From my experience it's more common for ISPs to provide you with a shitty router you don't have access to and just block all the ports by default. It happened to me with three different ISPs over last ~7 years.
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    ThatsRedacted said:
    You're from US, right Nin? I don't think it's popular in europe for whatever reason
    i am in maple syrup land
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    it doesnt really matter anyway. if you are hosting something, anything on the internet, you are always going to be at the whims of your ISP/host, or if you spend the thousands of dollars on an ASN, an IP range, and colocation, you're still at the whims of your upstream or the other ISPs that have to peer with your network in order for those packets to go anywhere
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    ninturez0 said:
    interesting, most ISPs block email ports for residential customers
    You're from US, right Nin? I don't think it's popular in europe for whatever reason
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    on their website it says that port 25 is for email. they say they blocked it due to spam
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    internaut said:
    yeah sorry. they don't block those either. they block: 25, 53, 123, 135-139, 161, 445, 1900 and they have a page explaining why they blocked each one. you can request an unblock on their website
    interesting, most ISPs block email ports for residential customers
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  • internaut @ internaut:
    ninturez0 said:
    port 21 is FTP. you need 80 and 443 for http(s) and a bunch more for e-mail
    yeah sorry. they don't block those either. they block: 25, 53, 123, 135-139, 161, 445, 1900 and they have a page explaining why they blocked each one. you can request an unblock on their website
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    ninturez0 said:
    got anymore info on that windows hardware chip? i've heard nothing of it
    windows 11 tpm 2.0 is what you're looking for
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  • ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon:
    internaut said:
    another thing that could happen in the future is that web browsers become more restricted and controller or even dissapear at all. windows 13 will use hardware chip to prevent you from installing unauthroized software, you won't be able to use the computer without internet. phone operating systems will be dumbed down drasticaly or will have a lot of backdoors and protections against unauthorized software
    got anymore info on that windows hardware chip? i've heard nothing of it
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