What's out there?
What obscure websites and forums do you know about that still have an active userbase?

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What's out there?
What obscure websites and forums do you know about that still have an active userbase?


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comfy friend
Aug 15, 2022
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I don't even remember how I stumbled upon this site, but I was amazed by the amount of downloads and people talking.
Are there other spaces like this?
What obscure websites and forums do you know about that still have an active userbase?
Baby, do I have a thing for you. Look up Gemini Protocol. Loads of fun stuff there, from weird weekly podcast/music programmes (think radio, just not live), to text boards, to some dude that writes daily poetry, to kind of gemini-twitter-clone.
I suggest starting with the twitter knockoff - Station and going from there.

Oh, and you're going to need Gemini browser. Just use Lagrange bit heavy for such light protocol, but you're not going to get anything even remotely as good.
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I don't even remember how I stumbled upon this site, but I was amazed by the amount of downloads and people talking.
Are there other spaces like this?
you'll find little subculture forums everywhere you go on the internet, you just gotta look close enough :) clockcrew.net is one you might of heard of because it used to be very popular, but even tho it's userbase is now probably <50 strong, it's still an incredible little community that has made some amazing things.

one i remember using alot a few years ago is dkvine, a rareware fan forum and fan site that has it's own little culture and sense of humour all to itself.

there's all sorts of fun places to go online, and while private forums may have been largely substituted in the face of discord, there's still alot 2 explore on da werld wied web!!!!1!1
/pub/ ~ public channel
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