What do you like to play in between Music, Job, Studying, etc.?

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What do you like to play in between Music, Job, Studying, etc.?

I listen to alot of whining bitchin men like Mineral, panchiko, and sunny day real estate
I basically work 24/7, and it gets pretty boring, so I'm lookin for games I can squeeze into my schedule.
Recommended Games I've found so far are:

- Satisfactory
- SimCity 4
- No Man's Sky

Personally, I like to just work on big projects in creative games, like building huge stuff in No Man's Sky or creating processes to increase efficiency.
stalker: memories of the zone (standalone mod for shadow of chernobyl) is phenomenal, runs really well on literally any system, amazing story, great gameplay and the atmosphere is unmatched.
if you play the game and like reading i realllyyyy recommend reading roadside picnic, which is the book the games drew inspiration from, its my favorite book ever written.

i've been playing a game called "Below" recently, my high school english teacher recommended it to me. it's a rogue like, but it feels like grimdark monument valley i love it 😁😁
here's the steam page if anyone's interested
+1 for Satisfactory, such a banger
I've also been playing Human: Fall Flat recently and this little game is so fun with friends, I heavily recommend!
recently tried dead cells for the first time, such a good game! Its really relaxing to slice through enemies and doing combos, i try to play it once in a day
I used to play quite a lot of Underworld: $hadow Economics but sadly the development stopped... think organized crime Dwarf Fortress, kind of.
Starsector is great. Space combat trading colony thing. Rimworld from time to time.
lots of roguelikes like Risk of Rain 2, Noita, Going Under and, Dicey Dungeons. oh and Pokemon Fangames. I'm currently playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Origins and some of its mods at work and when I'm not doing assignments for school. Steam roguelikes are good for if I have a couple hours to kill before bed or a meeting or w/e, PMDO is good for <1 hour long gaps in work and school.
recently dug up a old 1996 CRT [CTX1451CLR] in my house
started playing Blood,Half-Life,Hotline Miami,Holocure and Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia on it.

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Could be your favorite song, favorite artist/band, favorite genre of music, anything. Just share what you enjoy and have some discussion on that :3
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    I’ve used milkytracker it’s pretty decent especially if you don’t wanna spend any cash. However if you’re willing to spend just a bit I think renoise is a great tracker with a lot of versatile features. Also if your not used to using a tracker I always recommend the exact same tracker I started with and that’s lsdj <3
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  • bananalizard @ bananalizard:
    I use OpenMPT cause you get to select the effects you want to use, plus its super lightweight and easy to use
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    I'm good and don't worry about not being active, nothing really happens here because the forum is fairly small.
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    i'll just share some info
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  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why talking to people is so hard
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    why overthinking too much what the oother will think
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    why tf so introvert
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    You just gotta believe!!!
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  • grenadebunny @ grenadebunny:
    hellou i just found this website it looks awesome
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    It’s a fun place full of silly little guys!
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  • azucartues @ azucartues:
    RevK said:
    just relax and talk nobody bites
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  • bananalizard @ bananalizard:
    if they do bite you have an excuse to give them a stank face
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      bananalizard @ bananalizard: if they do bite you have an excuse to give them a stank face