VST Torrent Pack

VST Torrent Pack 2022-11-26

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VST Torrent Pack


comfy friend
Jun 23, 2022
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1alexxandergfx submitted a new resource:

VST Pack - 1.7~ GB pack of VST plugins - contains most of the main plugins used currently

VST Plugin zip. Contains only torrents so of course youll need to get qbittorrent from qbittorrent.org

how to install a "NO INSTALL SYMLINK" plugin:

essentially, there is two .bat files one says install the other is uninstall

when you run install you are making simulated link into folders that it needs to be

therefore you shouldnt move or break the file path it makes otherwise it wont work and be a massive headache

thats basically it

put it in a place you dont need to move it or just...

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