Howdy, y'all (It's Heatherposting Time for the very first time)
I'm new here and can beat up all of you, nerds(!)

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Howdy, y'all (It's Heatherposting Time for the very first time)
I'm new here and can beat up all of you, nerds(!)


New member
comfy friend
Dec 1, 2022
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Hi there, I go by Heather. I've on/off lurked here for going on a few months now.
I can't recall exactly what enticed me enough to know I wanted to join, but I believe it was one of the mission statements on the 'About' page of the main site.
That and I've been looking for a Net 1.0-style internet forum to be a part of for some time already anyhow. I haven't used one probably since... probably 2013/2014.

I'm not sure how to introduce myself in this instance. Given I usually know at least one or two people when I get into groups, but it was by complete chance I found this place.
If ya wanna know about me; I'm from Alabama (but don't live there anymore), I'm twenty-four, I work at an auto parts store and I'm a struggling art and wanna-be game developer.
Spent a lot of time after highschool taking care of a sickly grandfather who only ever got worse up until he suddenly passed. In that time I spent a lot of effort working on games I wasn't prepared for.

There is proof of my claims/statements here online, although most of my art from the '2019-early this year' period is now lost because my last Twitter account was suspended.
I made a totally-legit-and-not-a-joke " " " Death threat " " ", ya know... to a close friend who I frequently spoke/speak to both there and through Discord. That incident, plus the general way the larger known sites
handle their policy making and administration (not to mention all being homogenous in terms of visuals and usage), made me strive for a place like.... well, this one, I hope.

I'm not sure what'll cultivate here. I'd like to bring *something* interesting to the table. But I work so much so often for so little pay. At least I'm not homeless, I suppose, but the economy isn't getting anymore stable.
Hate to bring up such a serious topic on my first post, but I cannot stress just how Stressful everything is these days. I only really feel any "peace" whenever I pop edibles.
So, maybe getting to meet new people would help me sort of keep calm during all the storms going on. And hey, even if I don't end up posting here too often, I still respect that people are hosting a site like this.

Maybe I'll post some art up here now and then, too; see if that interests anyone here. // My style isn't really "anime", which seems to be what most people like here (which is fine, people like what they like.)
Here's a drawing I did while I was waiting to clock in a few days ago. It's rare I just start randomly doodling, since I usually spend any time drawing working on game assets.

(He's a gas station attendant of some sort lol )
Welp. I think that's enough out of me for one night. I'll poke my nose+eyes&ears around and see if any other threads interest me. Much appreciation if anyone read even a little of this - Heather
I'm new here and can beat up all of you, nerds(!)
Welcome, you have picked a comfy place to be. Cool drawing too, especially for a doodle!
Evenin', good to see new people here. Enjoy your stay, take a look at the shit we're hoarding and post more cool stuff.
Welcome to the /comf/! You've got an amazing art style! I'm gonna be looking forward to more heatherposting.

What's the station attendant's name?
{ I didn't give him one, so you can name him if you'd like.}

At any rate, HEY, I'm back!!! I uh... well, I've been stuck on my phone for a while there.
I had my PC get fucked and the OS on it (Windows 10, shocking I know) corrode. And this isn't the first time that's happened, but Win10 is "the gift that keeps on giving".
So I had to scrape by for a few paychecks until I just got in this new on. Hopefully I can pick back up work on the games I wanna make.

Sadly, I think I may have lost a lot more than I realized, in terms of my files. I have an external drive that doesn't seem to be working with the only SATA cable I have with me.
But it's hard to tell if it's the cable itself without purchasing a new one, which I will try to do at some point. So, while I did recover some of my old stuff, I've lost A LOT of the more obscure things in my digital hoard.
Including some music and sample libraries I gathered from particular sources that I may not be able to relocate. So, ya know... not in a great spot mentally, especially since I had access to private games my friends made, too.

It's not all doom-n'-gloom. I still have my sights set on my POSTAL 1 rip-off getting completed, and some other ideas are forming or reforming (from the past) in my head as well.
I wanted to get back to these forums sooner but Chrome, Windows, AND Malwarebytes did not want me to be here for some off reason -_- lol

I have a few hours before I have to clock back into work (hours got cut for the holidays anyhow, but all I really did was wait on this PC coming in from eBay while I got drunk and high.)
Some visions in my head were very artistic, but time is king here and I don't have much to make super detailed assets and drawings. My scanner is dogshit, too, need a new one.
Basically... I'm trying to go into 'turbo mode' to catch back up to where I was hoping to be by this point in time. Life's kinda shit rn, but at least I'm still motivated enough to keep going on with my art.

What have any of y'all been up to(?)
I feel like his name would be Jerry.

He'd sell you percs, but he does that for fun not for the money.
Ah shit, I got a buddy named Jerry. But he's black and wouldn't sell drugs for fun.... I think.

This guy is way more intimidating, though. He's got a look like he wouldn't kill ya, but would probably get some kinda pleasure out of watching you get cut. Even if only a little.

I dunno what I'm on about. I just crammed another RAM stick into this PC and now I wanna see if any larger scale games actually even run, lol (might try to do some more doodles soon, too. )

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