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how the fuck do i code a discord bot

Currently reading:
how the fuck do i code a discord bot


Professional shade thrower.
comfy friend
Apr 4, 2022
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need to be able to call it with a / command , feed it an image url and have it spit out exif metadata for said image (but formatted 2 different ways depending on the parameters)
where and how do i start
I'd suggest starting out with discord.py or discord.js. Coding bots is super easy, just follow the documentation and watch some tutorials on YouTube.
doing it with pycord, friend made a basic setup

need to figure out how to
1: format the output differently depending on the "software" field in the metadata
2: format it so that it creates a discord code tag instead of spitting unformatted text
3: have it run permanently

/pub/ ~ public channel
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