
  1. echechech

    2000s internet forum signature aesthetic

    I really miss 2000s internet. Post your fav ones you can find ^_^
  2. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 💿 >100GB 📚 books Higher Intellect / texts archive 2022-09-02

    Higher Intellect / texts archive Old school textfile archive with lots of controversial, questionable, and downright bizarre writings Here's a relatively obscure site with a gigantic pile of extremely poorly organized text files. You'll find the usual helping of Anarchist...
  3. ninturez0

    💠 📦 misc. "Trash bin" 2022-04-21 "Trash bin" A folder of random images, memes, documents, and other assorted trash from 2009 to 2021. It is the random files of some Czech personal website. Apparently a DOOM fan, meme lord, cat owner, and hobbyist programmer.
  4. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 🎆> 1TB 🎶 music Lolicore Archive 2022-04-20

    I didn't come up with this stupid genre name, lolicon is disgusting, I just like loud music and archiving shit. As far as I know there is no actual lolicon pornography in this archive, but some of the album covers are pretty questionable. Yes, their FTP port is really set to 1488. Lolicore...
  5. ninturez0

    💠 🎶 music MP3 320 Old ROBLOX Soundtrack 2022-04-12

    Old ROBLOX Soundtrack A 2010 compilation of audio files uploaded to ROBLOX in its early days. Title Track Length Plastic Men and Iron Blades 1 02:09 Build Your Own Game 2 01:47 Noob Alert 3 03:47 Crossroads Times 4 03:11 Bridge Sword Fight 5 03:19 Training Day 6 02:02 Metal...
  6. The Best Video of Angry Gamer's Part 2

    The Best Video of Angry Gamer's Part 2

    We loved video games so much like PC Gaming, Playstation and Xbox 360. We still rather frustrated and rather then breaking like console and keyboard. Also of you guy's just to let you know sorry of my english wrong, so I hope you understand from now on. Thank you for watching best and...
  7. The Best Video of Angry Gamer's

    The Best Video of Angry Gamer's

    We loved video games so much like PC Gaming, Playstation and Xbox 360. We still rather frustrated and rather then breaking like console and keyboard. This is of all the clips videos, is was my first time I put that on also the second one of part 2 if you really want to see that one. Also of...
  8. [2010] Old ROBLOX Soundtrack

    [2010] Old ROBLOX Soundtrack

    Download: This was compiled back in the early 2010s so it's messy. Unlike existing collections, this goes beyond using just the audio files uploaded in the late 2000s. Picture is a screenshot of the Happy Home...
  9. Yabujin - 。✰302?ionwan2go✰。

    Yabujin - 。✰302?ionwan2go✰。
  10. ninturez0

    💠  🔞 🎶 music Sadboy Sheldon - Discography 2022-02-15

    Sadboy Sheldon - Discography Sadboy Sheldon was an early, repudiated alias of Sewerslvt active in 2017. The edgy themes of these works would end up netting her some negative attention on social media and she has since disavowed these tracks. All albums here are in MP3 320kbps. Jenny...
  11. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📜 >25GB 📦 misc. eternal classic / Do Androids Dream of Electric Memes? / @dadoem Telegram Channel Archive 2022-02-10

    The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box, its users, or its administration. eternal classic / Do...
  12. ninturez0

    💠 📚 books UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. ETHAN NORDEAN, Case No. 21-CR-175-1 (TJK), Document 45 2022-02-08

    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. ETHAN NORDEAN, Case No. 21-CR-175-1 (TJK), Document 45 "Minecraft is a video game. Based on information provided by the FBI, the government understands that it is common for persons discussing criminal activity online to refer to such activity as occurring “in...
  13. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📸 images Screenshots from 2b2t minecraft server (2011 - 2016) 2022-02-08

    The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box, its users, or its administration. The following page...
  14. ninturez0

    📎 smol 📦 misc. 💠 🔞 NSFW 🔞 Yotsuba Society Archives

    ninturez0 submitted a new resource: Yotsuba Society Archives - 20GB of notable 4chan threads, from before the age of fuuka archive sites Read more about this resource...
  15. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📦 misc. Yotsuba Society Archives 2022-02-07

    The following page may contain material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the material are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box or its administration. The following page contains mature or adult...
  16. ninturez0

    🎶 music LOLI RIPE Discography (2006 - 2009)

    ninturez0 submitted a new resource: LOLI RIPE Discography (2006 - 2009) - The best worst music (?) that you will ever hear. Edgy, brain-melting, ear-raping noise. Read more about this resource...
  17. ninturez0

    💠 🎆> 1TB 🎮 games The (almost) Complete StepMania Archive (>1.2TB) 1.0

    The (almost) Complete StepMania Archive Nearly every StepMania build, a bunch of noteskins and themes, and >1TB of song packs "now its all in one folder" Edition In this collection, you will find: Nearly all builds of StepMania from 0.95 to OutFox, including source code if available 128...
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