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Frank Robert James / "prophet oftruth88" / "profitof doom8888" / "OUTOFGAS88" - Youtube archive

💠 💾 >50GB 🎥 video Frank Robert James / "prophet oftruth88" / "profitof doom8888" / "OUTOFGAS88" - Youtube archive 2022-04-24

Frank Robert James Youtube archive
frankie j88 / OUTOFGAS88 / profitof doom8888 / prophet oftruth88 / sinisterpriminister / WFJFURADIO
Youtube archive of 2022 New York City Subway attack perpetrator Frank Robert James
“I’ve been through a lot of shit, where I can say I wanted to kill people. I wanted to watch people die right in front of my fucking face immediately. But, I thought about the fact that, ‘Hey man, I don’t wanna go to no fucking prison.’ Fuck that…So, I had to absorb the bullshit. Even though it was building up inside me, what could I do? Not much.”


Frank R. James is the perpetrator of the April 12, 2022 New York City Subway attack. He had maintained a very large internet footprint over the years leading up to this attack, but remained relatively unpopular. So far, 7 Youtube channels and multiple Facebook pages have been discovered to be owned by or associated with Frank. Many of these social media pages have now been terminated in the wake of the shooting.

Across the numerous social media accounts owned by Frank, he would regularly post videos of himself going on extremely hateful, angry rants, most often filmed while he was walking around his neighborhood. If there is a minority group to hate, this man hates them. He hates white people, black people, Jews, Hispanics, gay people, and more, and he really wants you to know about it. He frequently alluded to or outright threatened to commit violence across his videos. Most notably, some videos depict him complaining about New York City's mental health services.

I don't have the time to sift through all of this content to find the best (worst) moments, so here's a clip of Frank claiming that an employee of a building he was in intentionally made the toilet in a public restroom clog when he took a shit in it because he is black:

After the shooting, and the discovery of Frank's social media pages by the general public, Youtube and Facebook quickly scrubbed any accounts that they could find that were owned by or associated with Frank. Only incomplete archives remain. I will never understand how actions like these are not considered destruction of evidence.

There is a few common themes I am beginning to notice regarding mass shootings and terrorist attacks occurring after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The most important of them all is that many of these tragedies could have been prevented, had the right people been paying attention to their behavior on social media and the Internet. This man uploaded videos of himself uttering threats of mass violence and detailing his paranoid, delusional beliefs for years, and while he was largely unknown, the videos still received attention. Many of these videos were filmed in public, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that no one else ever heard this guy.

Besides that, there is almost always a significant effort by the tech companies which are responsible for hosting this data to scrub any and all profiles and posts made by the perpetrators of these crimes, in the name of their ToS, or "Community Guidelines". There is a wide range of potential motivations behind the deletion of this content, but I believe all of them are invalid. You aren't going to prevent anyone from falling down some other hateful rabbit hole through censorship. Censoring the online footprints of criminals leaves the general public in the dark, and prevents the vast majority of people from ever even having the chance to learn how and why an individual resorts to committing acts of mass violence. For fucks sake, you can't even read any articles about this shit without running into broken Youtube embeds and dead links.

Some people believe that this is the right thing to do, and that even mentioning the name of a perpetrator of mass violence is somehow giving them the attention that they desire. But how can there be any hope for preventing these tragedies, when so many are unwilling to understand the psychology of the people who commit them? Trash that is swept under the rug doesn't go away. You simply can't let someone attempt to kill a large amount of people and then try to cover up years of evidence suggesting that a person was likely to commit an attack like this.

History remains unsafe in the hands of the Internet's most dominant entities.

Oh, by the way, this is an incomplete archive. 1 channel (that I know of) is still missing. However, metadata associated with this channel is present here.
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