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Ethan Crumbley / Oxford High School shooting

šŸ’  šŸ“¦ misc. Ethan Crumbley / Oxford High School shooting 2022-02-15

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Ethan Crumbley / Oxford High School shooting
For some reason, the kids always know its coming before the relevant authorities know anything at all


On November 30, 2021, Ethan Crumbley opened fire on students and staff at Oxford High School in the Detroit exurb of Oxford Township, Michigan, United States, killing four students and injuring seven other people, including a teacher. Crumbley allegedly emerged from a school bathroom armed. Prosecutors said he then "methodically and deliberately" walked down a hallway before he began shooting at students and a teacher at close range. Police said Crumbley's alleged actions were "seemingly random". He attempted to open locked classroom doors, and even tried to shoot through doors to kill his fellow classmates.

According to Oakland County Undersheriff Mike McCabe, "Deputies confronted him, he had the weapon on him and deputies took him into custody. The whole thing lasted five minutes." About 15-20 shots were fired and about 100 calls were placed to 911, McCabe said. The shooter, he said, appears to have acted alone. The shootings happened in the south end of the school building which has about 1,800 students, he said. The sheriff said the boy's father purchased the weapon four days ago on Nov. 26, and police found two 15-round clips in the school and are looking for a third. Ethan's gun had 7 rounds in the magazine at the time he was detained. Police said Ethan fired "at least 12" rounds in total.

Ethan and his parents are invoking their right to silence, and have hired a lawyer.

Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard said his office had had no contact with the youth before the incident and "have had nothing to suggest there's been disciplinary ā€¦ problems with him at the school. So that's part of our investigation to determine what happened prior to this event, and if some signs were missed, how were they missed."

Well, lets have a look at some of the signs that could have been missed!

He's just the perfect little boy, he wouldn't hurt anyone:

Ethan Crumbley openly shared disturbing social media posts stating his desire to commit mass murder, including a video the night before that spoke about killing students. (I absolutely cannot find this one.) There is video of him setting off molotov cocktails in the backyard of a residence confirmed to be his. His father, James Crumbley, opted to purchase the Sig Sauer Model SP 2022 used in the shooting two days ago on Black Friday instead of paying child support for his other child in Duvall County, Florida. Ethan and his parents promptly flaunted the shiny new weapon on Instagram. In the days leading up to the shooting, Ethan's Instagram page was flooded with deranged posts, and some students alleging that he was "counting down" the days until the shooting on Snapchat.

Ethan's father being a deadbeat:

Ethan lighting up his backyard, and subsequent doxing:

Ethan's social media posts before the shooting:

Ethan Crumbley, a sophomore, was previously flagged by administrators for ā€œbehavior in the classroom that they felt was concerning,ā€ according to Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard. About three hours before the shooting, Ethan's parents were actually called into the school for a face-to-face meeting with the school administration about their sonā€™s behavior. Nathan Swanson, a 10th grader, described Ethan as ā€œreally quiet, he would never talk to people.ā€

Want to know whats even better? His father was formerly employed by Monarch Connected, a "rapidly growing reseller of cloud-based business solutions and GPS technology designed with AI capabilities." They're a security company, which has worked with many American schools, implementing invasive, draconian, and immoral security systems into schools. These systems use artificial intelligence to detect and filter individuals based on clothing, race, gender, color of vehicles, licence plates, and more. They use environmental sensors to detect noise levels, humidity, temperature, and vaping/smoking detectors.

This fuckface worked for a literal workplace security firm, and yet gave a weapon to a 15 year old child who had been known to the school administration for his behavior.

No hope for Ethan's parents:

Jennifer Crumbley's open letter to Donald Trump:
Dear President Elect, Mr. Trump. Feels funny to even be writing your name like that, but you made history on Tuesday. Iā€™m not going to lie. I was scared shitless to circle your name on my ballot. I have been back and forth on whether to vote for you, or not vote at all. I struggled to make myself find a way to trust Hillary as a President. I could not. You see, I am an American Woman. I value the equality of the LGBT community, in fact, I hold that in really high regards. I am a feminist. I value womens rights and want to be alive when I see the first woman become President. But as an American Woman, with a 10 year old child I could not have that first woman be Hillary.

Up until the first debate, I was really trying to find a reason to vote for her. Pro-choice, yes, I am a believer in pro-choice, that a woman should have control over her body. That is something right? That was really the only thing that I could find to try to grasp onto as a reason to not vote for you.
The first debate, Mr. Trump you came out like a bucking Bronco, you fell flat. You pretty much sucked at debating. If itā€™s one thing those Clintonā€™s have, is the ability to speak in public. But I am also a woman, I have a very strong intuition and I personally have always learned to go with my gut feeling (thanks mom). Hillary started speaking, I listened, I looked at her eyes, her permanent, unchanging smile, her ability to show no emotion and it was then, my heart sank, my mind became clear and I knew, absolutely knew that her intentions were not true. Her promises are false. Her voice has an evil cold. Everything she has done, whether it was proven true or not to the public, I knew in the deepest of my gut that I could not let this woman have control over my sonā€™s future.

Mr. Trump, I actually love that you are a bad public speaker because that showed sincerity, and humility. You changed your mind, and you said ā€œso whatā€. You made the famous ā€œgrab them in the pussyā€ comment, did it offend me? No. I say things all the time that people take the wrong way, do I mean them, not always. Do I agree that you should of shown your tax returns? No. I donā€™t care what you do or maybe donā€™t pay in taxes, I think those are personal and if the Govā€™t can lock someone up over $10,000 of unpaid taxes and you slipped on by, then that shows the corruption. I like that you have failed. I love it even more that those failures taught lessons and made you one of the most successful Business Men in my history. I love that you are not from the political spotlight, maybe you are the hope that can really uncover the politicians for what I believe they really are. I have high hopes you will shut down Big Pharma, make health care affordable for me and my MIDDLE CLASS family again. I hope you uncover the cure for cancer, because there is one, we all know it, but you are the one to prove it. Iā€™m not scared of your big personality and quick temper. There is a whole house of representatives that still have to approve if you decide to get pissed at China and blow them up.

The Wall. The famous Wall. See Mr. Trump, I support that wall. I am not racist. In fact my grandfather came straight off the boat in Italy. Fought, struggled and had to prove his way to be an American Citizen. He went through the great depression, he then started a successful coil company here in MI where he employed other hard working Americans and paid them a good wage. I want every non-American that wants to live in this great country to have to go through the same process. I donā€™t even know where we went wrong with that, but if you want to be here, work here, live here damnit, fucking earn it and prove it.

As a female and a Realtor, thank you for allowing my right to bear arms. Allowing me to be protected if I show a home to someone with bad intentions. Thank you for respecting that Amendment.

Thank you for wanting to put our Veterans first. Why we send so much money overseas when we have so much help we need to provide here is beyond me.

You see Mr. Trump I can go on and on, in fact I used to think Democrat. I donā€™t believe in God and Im quite opposite of your typical ā€œrepublicanā€. But now I am 38 years old. I have a family. My husband and I both work full time jobs. I have watched our insurance premiums double. I cannot afford to buy into this Obamacare. For my family its over $600 a month with deductibles. We bust our ass Mr. Trump. I pay taxes, my husband pays his child support, I donate to charities.. We are good fucking Americans that cannot get ahead. And what makes me sick, is people that come over here from other countries and get free everything.

You see Mr. Trump, I need you to stop common core. My son struggles daily, and my teachers tell me they hate teaching it but the HAVE to. Their pay depends on these stupid fucking test scores. I have to pay for a Tutor, why? Because I canā€™t figure out 4th grade math. I used to be good at math. I canā€™t afford a Tutor, in fact I sacrifice car insurance to make sure my son gets a good education and hopefully succeeds in life. My parents teach at a school where their kids come from illegal immigrant parents. Most of their parents are locked up. They donā€™t care about learning and threaten to kill my mom for caring about their grades. Do you realize Mr. Trump that they get free tutors, free tablets from our Government so they can succeed. Why cant my son get those things, do we as hard working Americans not deserve that too?

My husband suffered a stroke and a broken back and we were with just my income. Do you know how hard it is to support a family on only $40,000 a year? I couldnā€™t qualify for State Aid. I made to much.

Mr. Trump, this is why I voted for you. I see the change that we so desperately need. I see jobs coming back, people having to work for their handouts, money going to who really deserve it. Big Pharma taken down, Monsanto stop poisoning us. Jobs given back to our American workers. I believe YOU are the President who will make these things happen. I have NEVER had this much belief in one person, and you are it.

If this blog even makes it to your eyesā€¦thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

Yours Truly,

A hard working Middle Class Law Abiding Citizen who is sick of getting fucked in the ass and would rather be grabbed by the pussy.
The 15 year old sophomore murdered fellow students Hana St. Juliana, 14, Justin Shilling, 17, Tate Myre, 16, and Madisyn Baldwin, 17. Seven others were injured in the shooting, including six students and a 47-year-old teacher who had a grazed gunshot wound to the shoulder. The teacher, who was identified as Molly Darnell, has been discharged from the hospital.

Alleged video of Ethan Crumbley attempting to impersonate LE to enter a classroom full of students:
Okay, so it turns out that this motherfucker actually was a cop. Fucking lmao, listen to this shit! These children have just witnessed a mass shooting, and Officer Porky gets fucking frustrated with these children when they take actions to defend their lives. Absolutely ZERO empathy for these obviously terrified children. What kind of fucking cop says "bro" when addressing a classroom full of fucking terrified children? And then when they run away from the classroom, the other old fat fuck tells them to stop running and calm down, as if they were overreacting to the situation. I wouldn't be surprised if the students were disciplined for "not following proper lockdown procedure" or some bullshit. American police are retarded, they are unprofessional, they are NOT your friends, they DO NOT care about you, and you should NEVER trust them.


Zoomers aren't very smart:
The wounded students are Phoebe Arthur, John Asciutto, Riley Franz, Elijah Mueller, Kylie Ossege and Aiden Watson, according to the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office. The named students couldn't be matched with the conditions of anonymous victims listed by the Sheriff's Office. A 17-year-old girl with a gunshot wound to the neck who is in stable condition at McLaren Oakland Hospital in Pontiac, a 17-year-old girl with a gunshot wound to her chest who remains in critical condition at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland in Pontiac, and a 14-year-old girl that has improved from critical condition to stable and is off of a ventilator at Hurley Medical Center in Flint after suffering chest and neck gunshot wounds. At the time of writing, three students have been discharged from the hospital.

Ethan being loaded into a police vehicle:

American police training at its finest:

Note from the Oakland County Office of the Sheriff:
Searches were carried out on the residence revealing ā€œtwo separate videos recovered from Ethanā€™s cellphone made by him the night before the incident, wherein he talked about shooting and killing students the next day at Oxford High School.ā€ as well as a journal ā€œdetailing his desire to shoot up the school, to include murdering students.ā€ Police removed multiple long barreled guns from the residence during the searches.

Police removing firearms from the Crumbley residence:
After Ethan was identified as the shooter in the day following the shooting, his family was immediately doxed, and thousands of people went to Facebook to harass his father. I cannot understate this enough, Facebook needs to die. The company needs to be broken up and the platform to be shut down for the safety and security of the human species. I don't know what it is about Facebook that compels people to utter threats and fantasize about the gay prison rape of a 15 year old school shooter, especially considering that Facebook is absolutely the least private, most easily personally identifiable place on the fucking internet.

The invention of social media and its consequences have been an absolute disaster for the human race.

Americans politicize a shooting, call for violence against a family, and fantasize about the gay prison rape of a minor:
As an online discussion about criminal justice grows longer, the probability of an American mentioning prison rape as an acceptable form of extrajudicial punishment approaches 1.





Uploads to the Youtube channel of James Crumbley show Ethan living an average life of a child, though a bit awkward at times. A 9 minute video depicts Ethan and other young children playing basketball, in which Ethan misses all but one shot, and is hopelessly bested at basketball by children that look years younger than he does. He awkwardly shoves the other children around at times. Ethan absolutely does not assist his "team mate" in any way during this 9 minute video, instead constantly calling for the ball to be passed to him.

School shooter sucks shit at basketball:
Other uploads show Ethan's house, which is by no means a hoarder nest, but there is random shit and garbage all over the floors and stains all over the carpet. There's a "prank video" in which Ethan dumps cold water all over his father, who is chatting with others outside of the house. The video starts with an adult female asking if someone has found shot glasses. The video ends before anything really happens, but the father sounds quite upset, and not at all in a friendly way.

Ethan shows off his messy ass house:

Ethan pisses his dad off:
Videos posted to family Facebook pages also raise some questions:

Dad pretends to electrocute himself as a "prank":

I just don't understand, how could have anyone possibly have seen this coming? There's obviously nothing that happened before this kid shot up his school. Obviously this was just a random act of impulse. There was clearly never any indicators that anything was wrong with the kid. How could the father have ever known that his child would commit a violent act like this, given easy access to a firearm?

He's just a troubled boy, with a kind heart, and a bright future. This sweet little angel didn't do anything wrong.

I am a proud supporter of our proud American Boys in Blue, and I have faith in the American public school system to properly care for mentally ill, emotionally disturbed, and socially isolated students.

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