SONG OF THE DAY #31 (2.17.2025)
I'm such a sucker for songs with memorable and singable choruses. Like, how could you not sing along to a song like this?
SONG OF THE DAY #30 (2.16.2025)
The amount of times I sampled this song (with heavy effects) without realizing is kinda insane. View attachment dont bother me.mp3.wav
SONG OF THE DAY #22 (2.2.2025) (so many 2s!)
This song is my test for the friends who say they listen to anything. This song rocks!
Love the part where the bass starts playing. Such a tasty riff :)
SONG OF THE DAY #21 (2.1.2025)
(this isn't an official music video, but its made really well)
This song got me through a really rough spot in my life and it means a lot to me :)
SONG OF THE DAY #18 (1.29.2025)
I found this song back in high school and it's made a spot in the back of my mind. That chorus is really something else, man
SONG OF THE DAY #13 (1.24.2025)
I'd like to preface this by explaining what makes a song 'song of the day', and it's simply just the first song that comes to mind in the day.
also, an image that may or may not relate to the song :)
I’ve used milkytracker it’s pretty decent especially if you don’t wanna spend any cash. However if you’re willing to spend just a bit I think renoise is a great tracker with a lot of versatile features. Also if your not used to using a tracker I always recommend the exact same tracker I started with and that’s lsdj <3