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Some of my Oldest Surviving """"Art""""
Dear God, have mercy on the eyes of the others on these forums!

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Some of my Oldest Surviving """"Art""""
Dear God, have mercy on the eyes of the others on these forums!


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I recently had to make a trek back to my homestate and move in with my grandparents. Needless to say, I was greeted and treated fairly well by them in spite of having to talk on a lot of things I never expected us to ever breach a conversation about from long ago. Speaking of breaching something from long ago; I was helping them clear out some space and we found a tub full of old papers. I let them sort a lot of it out while I moved stuff in a shed. Some time passes and they tell me they've got a stack of old drawings I made when I was kid. Not when I was a teen or a pre-teen, but as a literal child. So, I decided to give in and take a gander at what all was there. I decided ''to hell with my embarrassment, I'm gonna post this stuff up online to save'', just encase the papers degrade before my untimely demise (whenever that will come about, likely in an untimely fashion!)

Get ready! [Trigger warning]: obviously this stuff is going to look like garbage (we all gotta start somewhere), I can just barely remember the context for most of this stuff, and there's some Sonics.

Also, in case it wasn't obvious, these are not sorted by year or anything like that.
Brace for goddamn impact!!!

I think this was one of my first game ideas, inspired by Hexen, Zelda II, and Overlord; you were supposed to be an evil knight who would combat and then command evil creatures (I remember buff lizard people at one point)
This was on the backside. Enemy visual that I'm not so sure what it's supposed to be. I know the "necks" are worms of somekind. Lots'a undead stuff going on!
I thought I was a dang comedian, didn't I?
This was on the back of the insane Looney Tunes "joke". It's a bus stop sign but I'm not certain what SCSI stands for. (Your guess is as good as mine)

I had played a demo of Dead Rising 2 and decided I wanted to work on a parody video of it for YouTube, similar to this sort of stuff that I was BIG into as a kid.
This was based on the reverse cover for InFamous 1, a game I greatly adored as a child. The first time I saw it was on a huge screen at an ex-cousin's uncle's house, who had a lot of money, and I thought it "looked like REAL Life"
I have a hunch based on several aspects of this one that it is the literal oldest of the batch. Namely that it refers to a game I had when I literally had barely any games as a really young kid. (Frogger '97 is gold, by the way!)
From left to right: character my first "girlfriend" had on her DeviantArt turned more human, a character a friend of mine from second/third grade came up with, then two dipshits I came up with. One of them has an MGS4 shirt ('Based'?)

I've got plenty more and I'll be posting those up in the next bit of this thread (hey, at least I know that limit for future posts!)
Hope any of this has been... uh.... insightful?
Okay, hold on, I gotta dump a bunch more into this thread before anyone else posts a reply!!!
That said, if you yourself still have access to some art YOU made as a kid, I'd like to see some of it. Ya know, if you can take the heat. ;')
Dear God, have mercy on the eyes of the others on these forums!
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Picking up right where I (or 'we') left off!

This was an animatic for a cartoon idea I had that I wanted to make with this one friend I made over YouTube as a kid.
Fantasy MMO(?) idea I wanted to work on through some 'free website builder' I kept trying to use as a kid. I can't remember it's name... Also, SONIC CRINGE NOOOO
For the record, the only Sonic game I've played and beat to completion was Adventure 2 BATTLE. Every other Sonic game bored me, even the 2D ones.
Also my bio-dad MADE ME WATCH THE LIVE-ACTION TRANSFORMERS (though 'Revenge of The Fallen' the video game on PS3 was pretty tight. I liked playing as the Decepticons)
((Doubly ironic given I'm being asked to draw a Transformer in a recent piece I'm possibly getting commissioned for. ))
An accurate demonstration of The Human Body, complete with shirt, pants, and candy. The 'Lick Me!' shirt is probably and inversion of 'Kick Me!' and not some early developing fetish... I swear.
I liked Silent Hill 2 as a kid. Unlike Sonic and Transformers, that hasn't changed. Although as I stated in a YouTube comment recently, I did get access to Silent Hill at a young age but was semi-banned from Resident Evil.
There's some Left 4 Dead in this one, a little Sonic (or possibly Pikmin? Pikmin 2 I was BIG into around second grade, but this would've been around fourth... I think )
I... don't know if this one was made by me. I think a friend of mine from school drew this and just gave it to me. Maybe I did? I can't remember. He's a magic man, apparently, but that doesn't help us very much.
James & Mikey was a comic series I "made" in 2nd grade with a friend. He would sometimes draw and sometimes write, and I would draw and write all the time.
I lost one personal item around the time my mom got divorced for a second time. A green spiral notebook that WAS A FULL-LENGTH STORY IN COMIC FORM that the first two starred in. "James Goes Green".
I haven't a clue where in this beautifully held together world it would be. Maybe in a landfill somewhere if any adult ever found it? (It had what child me thought sex was in one part, I remember that.)
((And that fact I just stated still isn't the most embarrassing part of any of this for me, lol)
Ah shit, this was a missed opportunity to post something in the Leaks section of this site. ... This is some early cutscene storyboarding for that upcoming Silent Hill 2 Remake! (Konami please no suing)

And there's just a bit more for me to post up here, there were twenty-seven in total and I'm only gonna post up 95% of them
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Another InFamous related one, whew! These I can handle more than anything with Sonic on it, lol. Ironically though, I don't and haven't really ever given much of a crap about superheroes. I liked the game, though
It took me flipping the page around to truly grasp what I was gazing up. . . . It's concept art for a Little Big Planet level I wanted to make.

I seemed really into the idea of turning SH2 into a comic or cartoon. There were a few I had watched online, some better than others, but I can't find most of 'em nowadays. SH cartoons were a niche on YouTube I liked.

And lastly, the final piece of the pile, the one to send off on (unless I somehow or somewhere discover more of these sorta things) ........
Can you beat Fisher-Price Jay's Son It-Might-Be-Vorhees?!!!

Good lord, I can't believe I actually legitimately documented this stuff instead of just immediately giving it back to my kinfolk.
The only one I didn't post up on here was a Valentine's gift I made for my first girlfriend. I might show it to her just for laughs.
At any rate this experience was, uh... well I certainly learned a lot about my past self today!!

I gotta get back to making some art, after this very strange diversion from my plans, heh
I appreciate that my family decided to just hold onto these. I think they're might be two more from my other grandparent's house I kept onto of one game idea I had and some Fallout 3 fanart.
I was gonna post all of these into an album someplace else, but I figured, what the hell -- I use this site more than most others now anyhow
Leave a comment about any of 'em or all of them if you'd like(!) I'm gonna go and curl up into a ball on my bed for a few minutes to recharge my internal brain battery. These deplenished a lot outta me, lol
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