Recent content by Varyag

  1. Varyag

    List of useful resources ...

    *sick guitar riff intro to Vicarious*
  2. Varyag

    šŸŽ¶ music Kaido Racer (Kaido Battle 2: Chain Reaction) Music Samples 2024-09-13

    I have extracted and converted all of the music samples from the games Sound Editor mode to the .wav format utilizing a Winamp plugin. I set them all to 1536kbps wav and 30 seconds loops, and less on the vocal samples that don't loop, with 5 seconds of silence at the end. I am sorry about the...
  3. Varyag

    šŸŽ¶ music Kaido Racer (Kaido Battle 2: Chain Reaction) Music Samples

    Varyag submitted a new resource: Kaido Racer (Kaido Battle 2: Chain Reaction) Music Samples - Sound samples of the sound editor mode in the game Read more about this resource...
  4. Varyag

    Oldschool/90s Sample CDs Archive - The motherfucking supreme ultimate collection of all time

    Just wanted to say thanks too, for keeping this collection alive. I'm currently learning tracker music, and while there's already a lot on the Internet Archive, we all know how that might disappear eventually.
  5. Varyag

    Anyone else made stuff with the samples on here?

    Yo just want to say this is absolute fire šŸ”„ Love the PS1 racing game vibes.
  6. Varyag

    šŸŽ® games Custom MAME Build (No Nag, DMCA'd Games Support)

    Thanks for checking, so I wasn't going crazy. Going to download your version and keep it in my backups folder, then!
  7. Varyag

    šŸŽ® games Custom MAME Build (No Nag, DMCA'd Games Support)

    I did that, downloaded the updated build again, unpacked to folder, dropped the ROMs in there. Nothing. I don't understand. Did you test them yourself?
  8. Varyag

    šŸŽ® games Custom MAME Build (No Nag, DMCA'd Games Support)

    I placed the build on a separate folder, and put the Akai Katana and SDOJ roms in it's own subfolder, and they don't show up on the list. I really have no idea why, all other MAME builds I have installed work like that out of the box. Maybe something to do with it, is that I added a separate...
  9. Varyag

    Strategy Games

    I've not been able to get into Stellaris, or any other Paradox games for that matter. They overcomplicate everything except the things that matter and you'd want the complexity on. Also their bullshit DLC pratices. Hiding main game mechanics behind DLC packs. I've played a ton of Starcraft...
  10. Varyag

    šŸŽ® games Custom MAME Build (No Nag, DMCA'd Games Support)

    Fuck Exa-Arcadia! There's tons of other shmups being sold nowadays and none of them had the audacity to come to MAME to cry about something perfectly legal. I keep on myself a copy of the that still ran those games but I might get this version too, for archival purposes. Would just be...
  11. Varyag

    Strategy Games

    What sorts of strategy games do you guys enjoy? I've always liked RTS but I absolutely suck at them. I've gotten really into Dawn of War 1 since 2021, can't believe I haven't spent the past 10 years of my life playing this. Men of War: Assault Squad 2 and Gates of Hell: Ostfront are my favorites...
  12. Varyag

    Doom/Boomer Shooters

    Brutal DOOM is so much fun. I have an old pre-packed build of it, and had a lot of fun going through Doom 1 and 2 with it a while back. Lately the coolest doomer shooter I played was Prodeus (even if it resembles Quake a bit more)
  13. Varyag

    Thread for people that make accounts and never post

    Just came here to download the MAME shmups ROM pack. Ended up staying because the internet really is turning to shit.
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