Recent content by Cobolt

  1. Cobolt

    Haii Comfy Box Furs :3

    how's it going this part of the forum is dead ;-;
  2. Cobolt

    Anybody have any dnb/breakcore album/song recommendations?

    Anybody have any drum and base or breakcore album suggestions that I could listen to I think it's hard to find good albums or songs because whenever I search for music in that genre I get a lot of songs that just all kind of sound the same and usually the really good ones are more underrated or...
  3. Cobolt

    Anyone know any lyric writing software? (preferably free or cheap)

    Maybe one of these sites can help
  4. Cobolt

    Favorite Sites?

    If you want to bookmark a website that has a massive list of other websites and very useful information then check out these two one is for pretty much everything and another one is for getting any video game for free
  5. Cobolt

    Comment by 'Cobolt' in article 'i just read the "about" section...'

    Yeah also I think forums should make a return these kind of websites are really under rated and ig the only one that's still relevant is reddit sadly
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