Duke Nukem Forever (2001 Build)

Duke Nukem Forever (2001 Build) 2022-05-10

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Duke Nukem Forever (2001 Build)


comfy friend
Apr 10, 2022
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Here is the recent leaked build of 3D Realms infamous lost shooter, Duke Nukem Forever, from 2001.

Here are the basic installation instructions, taken from the Twitter account @EduardoBruwurbs. He has more advanced instructions for other things relating to DNF 2001 on his Twitter.

1. Select all the .rar files and extract them to a singular folder of the same name as the regular name of the .rar files by right clicking on the selected files. (This option should appear if you use Winrar.)

2. Upon extracting, copy the contents of Patches/MegaPatch/ into the october folder, and then run October 26/System/DukeForever.exe
Haha, a leaked build of a legendary lost computer game from the early 2000's sounds like what comfy box was built for. ninturez, if you're reading this, I think you should host the file on the site if you have space. It's 848 MB, and I've heard uploads and videos are getting taken down ALOT.
Yes, that's probably the best idea. I can see Gearbox (sluts) and Randall (Medieval Times Pedo) getting really angry about this build being leaked. Either that or 3dRealms is getting pissy and taking down builds of a game they no longer own the rights to perform takedown requests on.

I also found a YouTube playthrough that shows first-time setup for those of you (like myself) whose brains go full retard mode when reading text installation guides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fDDO_-k-kE&t=40s
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Duke Nukem Forever (2001 Build) -  

Here is the recent leaked build of 3D Realms infamous lost shooter, Duke Nukem Forever, from 2001.

Here are the basic installation instructions, taken from the Twitter account @EduardoBruwurbs. He has more advanced instructions for other things relating to DNF 2001 on his Twitter.

1. Select all the .rar files and extract them to a singular folder of the same name as the regular name of the .rar files by right clicking on the selected files. (This option should appear if you use...

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Not sure how close this was to completion but holy crap this is bad. Would've bombed far harder than DNF 2011 for sure. Say what you want about it but taken alone DNF 2011 is a pretty good game imho. Not as great as DN3D but still, at the very least it just exudes Duke.
don't care + didn't ask + Gearbox shill + medieval times thumb drive + bozo + L + bad take + yo momma should've exercised her rights under Roe v. Wade + DNF turd thrower
Not sure how close this was to completion but holy crap this is bad. Would've bombed far harder than DNF 2011 for sure. Say what you want about it but taken alone DNF 2011 is a pretty good game imho. Not as great as DN3D but still, at the very least it just exudes Duke.
to give it the benefit of the doubt, it also looks very unfinished as well (bugs aside), so there could've been a possibility of them polishing it up. which obviously didn't happen, but hey, wishful thinking.

also, something to take into account is that it includes Unreal Engine 1 source code, not to mention its own source code. a cleanup project could possibly happen in the future, and the source code could even be applied to other Unreal Engine 1 games (i.e engine stability, reverse engineering, etc).
to give it the benefit of the doubt, it also looks very unfinished as well (bugs aside), so there could've been a possibility of them polishing it up. which obviously didn't happen, but hey, wishful thinking.

also, something to take into account is that it includes Unreal Engine 1 source code, not to mention its own source code. a cleanup project could possibly happen in the future, and the source code could even be applied to other Unreal Engine 1 games (i.e engine stability, reverse engineering, etc).
From what I know this is a final test version before the actual "finished" version. Apparently the "full" unreleased game will get leaked in June. But considering this is a build from the end of October I wouldn't keep my hopes up.
From what I know this is a final test version before the actual "finished" version. Apparently the "full" unreleased game will get leaked in June. But considering this is a build from the end of October I wouldn't keep my hopes up.
This is DNF from 2001, DNF was restarted essentially in 2003. They worked on this build for another two years so you'd have to imagine how close to completion it was then. I hope we get an offical restoration project from 3D Realms! There seems to be a notion going around that the leak was intentional, to gauge interest or even just as some sort of guerilla marketing campaign.
This is DNF from 2001, DNF was restarted essentially in 2003. They worked on this build for another two years so you'd have to imagine how close to completion it was then. I hope we get an offical restoration project from 3D Realms! There seems to be a notion going around that the leak was intentional, to gauge interest or even just as some sort of guerilla marketing campaign.
Yes but apparently there's a more feature complete build that the original leakers teased to be releasing in June. Or so I've heard from numerous different sites and sources.
Yes but apparently there's a more feature complete build that the original leakers teased to be releasing in June. Or so I've heard from numerous different sites and sources.
The people on Duke4 say otherwise, I don't see why they'd leak an earlier build first seems weird to me.

On a cooler note though, I got the game running on Linux! Well I didn't exactly figure it out myself, but information on this topic is scarce so I'll post what I did:

1. First of all, you have to prepare the games files like you would on Windows. I actually did this part on my Windows laptop just to make sure I got it right!
2. Open your terminal and type "winecfg". If you don't have Wine installed, then go install it and THEN type "winecfg" lmao
3. Click the applications tab on Wine's configuration and add "DukeForever.exe" from DNF's System file.
4. Then go to the Libraries section. Click add overrides and add both "dinput" and "dinput8".
5. Click on both of the dinput libraries, and edit them with the button on the right. Click disable on both libraries.
6. Apply and save your changes.
7. Open terminal in your DNF System file, and type "wine DukeForever.exe", and voila! You're playing this piece of history on your Linux PC!

It might take a little bit of opening and closing to get certain things to work, remember, not only is this game 21 years old and running through a compatability layer, it's also not even finished lol
If you have any questions feel free to ask! A big thanks to the Duke4 Discord for helping me figure this all out :D
At that point consider creating new wine prefix, really. You're going to fuck up everything else you have on your default.
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