🔞 NSFW 🔞 NSFW (Possibly NSFL) Self-harm Twitter hashtags and the faults of social media.
Cutting, Hanging, Overdosing. Twitter enables children to share and discuss methods of doing any of these actions.

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🔞 NSFW 🔞 NSFW (Possibly NSFL) Self-harm Twitter hashtags and the faults of social media.
Cutting, Hanging, Overdosing. Twitter enables children to share and discuss methods of doing any of these actions.


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Jun 12, 2023
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Just recently going through investigative style Youtube videos comment sections I noticed someone asking for a deeper dive in to "beantwt", "shtwt" and "styrotwt" tags that have LITERAL children posting and discussing cutting methods, suicide tutorials (including how to overdose and shit along those lines) and comparatively most tame of all, eating disorder and starving guides.

Upon searching this hashtag up you are greeted with not only children discussing cutting etc. but also videos + pics.

One thing that is noticeable across many of these self harming videos is the fact that they say this is fake and just "makeup" however upon inspecting many of these so-called "makeup artists" profiles it is noticeable that many of them have scars from previous "makeups".
This is fucked.

There was this account of a CLEARLY underaged minor (they even stated they were 13 in their bio), who posted pics of their hanging attempt which was interrupted by their mom walking in on them. Unfortunately the account either changed its name or was deleted because I can't find it anymore.
Albeit it is honestly hard to tell weather it was just a fucked up """""aesthetic""""" of theirs (think Hello Kitty blades and blood edits) or they are genuine children in need of help.


Honestly the worst part about this whole shit is knowing that these children won't give a fuck about anyone trying to say that its not an aesthetic or a challenge of sorts but a genuine mental issue.
Social media (twitter especially) are probably the worst thing to come out of the modern age. The fact that any teenager or even a fucking kid can pickup an iphone and get involved in a fucked aesthetic (or whatever the fuck you can call this) which can end them up scarred (literally) for life or worse yet dead, is abysmal to me. Twitter is by-far the worst offender in this situation, because of their partially-anonymous approach, where as on Facebook or Instagram, this would have been taken down in seconds and who knows maybe even saved some kids from almost killing themselves over feeling involved.

It is undeniable that everyone wants to be a part of a group (even if that group is suicidal twitter users), but there are other groups that are literally infinitely times more safe than this.
A lot of this probably stems from trauma of sorts although I only personally saw a few accounts actually mentioning real trauma as their reasoning for being involved in this. To be completely true, I think that basically nothing besides banning and silencing these accounts can be done. And what will that do? Obviously they will move to other platforms to discuss and teach each other methods of hanging themselves without dying.

Recently some kids (oldest one 16) in my home country started a literal gang. Their goal was to beat other kids up for "street fame", as one of their leaders put it in their telegram. It was obvious that by "street fame" he meant getting popular on TikTok for a week, as after accomplishing this they stopped. It is beyond me why the fuck would anyone care enough about internet fame points to the point of beating up other kids and even going as far as stalking some kid and threatening him with a knife.
I will never understand why social media became a staple of teenagers and now even childrens'
Cutting, Hanging, Overdosing. Twitter enables children to share and discuss methods of doing any of these actions.
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i don't know why i wasn't expecting to see children cutting themselves in this thread but i should know better.
unfortunately, this type of content has been present on various platforms for over a decade now. tumblr and instagram also used to be notorious for this stuff.

"beantwt", "shtwt" and "styrotwt" tags
a quick search of just these tags on twitter reveals plenty more "keywords" that these kids are using to find each other, and potentially evade moderation. this is one of the few internet rabbit holes i've hoped wouldn't go any deeper. good job

styrotwt, beantwt, shtwt, catscratchtwt, beanstwt, ouchietwt, sliceytwt, cutspo, scarspo, scartwt, cuttwt, owietwt, 988twt, 198twt, edtwt, fasciatwt, cutsp0, scarsp0, babybean, shedtwt




and now i present to you: the most fucked up terminology guide for any internet community you will find ever

hitting beans: when the razor blade cuts deep enough to expose the hypodermis of your skin, potentially deeper.
styro(foam): same shit but referring to the dermis.
shtwt / shedtwt / edtwt: self harm / eating disorder twitter
988twt: same shit. 988 is the phone number for the suicide hotline in america
cutspo / scarspo: literally "inspiration". likely comes from early-2010s tumblr eating disorder blogs about "thinspo" / "thin inspiration".
barcodetwt: pretty obvious. not gonna lie, i laughed at that one
proana: i'm going to assume it means "pro-anorexia"

i'll add more to this very informative and helpful list as i learn more about this fucked up shit.

you can dig up some pretty horrific posts with this knowledge!

i dont know anymore. when i first saw this type of shit on social media, back in fuckin middle school. it seemed more like it was coming from genuine sadness and self hatred. but when i look at this twitter stuff, its almost like a competition for who can get the most/deepest cuts. most of everyone i ever knew IRL who self harmed were deeply ashamed of their scars, but these kids say they look "pretty". they're out here giving each other advice on how to get the deepest cuts, to the point where the blood is "pulsing" out of the cuts, accompanied by captions like "omg did i hit something important?"

really surreal, really fucked up shit.

Recently some kids (oldest one 16) in my home country started a literal gang. Their goal was to beat other kids up for "street fame", as one of their leaders put it in their telegram. It was obvious that by "street fame" he meant getting popular on TikTok for a week, as after accomplishing this they stopped.
i've found a lot of shit on telegram that is somewhat similar. a significant amount of young people now are shockingly desensitized to violence and see it as a means to gain notoriety and "respect" among peers and on social media. it doesn't surprise me that some would become violent towards themselves for the same goal.

world governments really need to start giving more of a shit about mental health of the youth, like, yesterday
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hitting beans: when the razor blade cuts deep enough to expose the hypodermis of your skin, potentially deeper.
styro(foam): same shit but referring to the dermis.
shtwt / shedtwt / edtwt: self harm / eating disorder twitter
988twt: same shit. 988 is the phone number for the suicide hotline in america
cutspo / scarspo: literally "inspiration". likely comes from early-2010s tumblr eating disorder blogs about "thinspo" / "thin inspiration".
barcodetwt: pretty obvious. not gonna lie, i laughed at that one
proana: i'm going to assume it means "pro-anorexia"
thank you for putting these out, I couldn't stomach looking at these.
Usually never had that much of a problem with seeing gore but these...... just feel wrong on so many more levels than something like bestgore
thanks for talking about this, sadly the use of those tags and that content will keep on increasing, i read an article a while ago on this subject and tag use increased about ~400% iirc. its sad and disturbing to see that so many of these people, especially underage are able to post and discuss things like this. twitter needs to do a better job
It's really saddening that this is a thing. It makes me wonder if its that kids see all the gore and blood type aesthetics on the internet, and then want to enact on it in real life. I know when the 2000's Emo subculture was big, cutting was definitely something that people did; but I never got the feeling that it was ever done or glorified as part of the aesthetic. It was more like as ninturez0 ninturez0 mentioned, more physical manifestation of sadness and often was something people weren't proud of having done. Just the glorification and aestheticization of this, and how it seems people are almost in a competition over it really makes me feel a bit sick about it. I've been desensitized by a lot of things on the internet over time but those images were hard to look at. I hope something is done about this to avoid it being further popularised (especially knowing how impressionable kids are) and that they seek the help and guidance they need.
this is why the internet is fucked and always has been
dumb kids see other dumb kids doing shit and think "hmm yes i need to do that now" and it results in this shit happening
i made a new twitter account recently and didn't even touch it but the website later did that evil modern social media thing where it randomly sends a push notif for a random post from someone you're not following, and it was some post from edtwt (eating disorder twitter) saying some detailed post about bulimia. it was weird because not only have i not interacted with anything like that online in any way that could be remotely associated with my cookies or email or whatever but it was recommended to me on a brand new burner account that hadn't done anything yet either
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