feel free to punish me if this is a bad thing to post, but I would like to access https://sound.rodeo/ but it's invite-only..... can anyone send me an invite? Arigatou
feel free to punish me if this is a bad thing to post, but I would like to access https://sound.rodeo/ but it's invite-only..... can anyone send me an invite? Arigatou
i'm in the same boat lol.
i had no idea that website existed until people started coming here from it sometime last year. I want to know where they linked to comfy box :(
I’ve used milkytracker it’s pretty decent especially if you don’t wanna spend any cash. However if you’re willing to spend just a bit I think renoise is a great tracker with a lot of versatile features. Also if your not used to using a tracker I always recommend the exact same tracker I started with and that’s lsdj <3