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🎶 music Roland SR-JV Expansion Board dumps 2023-02-27

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🎶 music Roland SR-JV Expansion Board dumps

Yes, most if not nearly all of the samples on these are identical (albeit lower quality) to the ones from the S-7XX CDs.
If someone could help me figure out the settings for AWave that'd be great, I cba to remember the actual specs of the cards.
Hello Xeraser,

I've just encountered Comfy Box and found this post of yours. I'm truly interested on how this situation could be resolved too :) . I'd love to load these waveforms into Surge XT!!! I might not have the answer you are looking for, but might bring some more light to this issue. I've done a bit of research online and I've found the following: - According to this link, the waves are most possibly at 32 KHz sample rate, and, at least in the JV machines, they were dynamically compressed and converted to 8 bit with DPCM (Delta PCM). - I've found the full byte description of the files here in a text file called "format.txt" . There are also some python files that belong to a project used to clone the JV cards, but I'm not truly sure if or how they could be used to extract the waveforms. I copy part of the description here:

"The SR-JV80 ROM format consists of a scrambled collection of 8 1MB blocks, big endian format, merged into one ROM image file. Each block contains the following:
1 KB of header information
31 KB of exponents for the compressed sample data
992KB of everything else, mostly delta samples
-The first block contains compatible data for one series of models, usually the JV80, in the header section
-If there are specific patches and drumkits for another model (i.e. JV1080+ or the JD990), the compatible data for that model is located in the second block's header section
-The sample, multisample, patch, and drumkit tables are all stored in what's otherwise reserved for ADPCM delta samples. Theoretically, these tables can be positioned anywhere in that section, but in the standard cards, these are reserved for the end of the last block."

See the "format.txt" for more specific info

I'll be glad to hear more on this topic!
Hello Xeraser,

I've just encountered Comfy Box and found this post of yours. I'm truly interested on how this situation could be resolved too :) . I'd love to load these waveforms into Surge XT!!! I might not have the answer you are looking for, but might bring some more light to this issue. I've done a bit of research online and I've found the following: - According to this link, the waves are most possibly at 32 KHz sample rate, and, at least in the JV machines, they were dynamically compressed and converted to 8 bit with DPCM (Delta PCM). - I've found the full byte description of the files here in a text file called "format.txt" . There are also some python files that belong to a project used to clone the JV cards, but I'm not truly sure if or how they could be used to extract the waveforms. I copy part of the description here:

"The SR-JV80 ROM format consists of a scrambled collection of 8 1MB blocks, big endian format, merged into one ROM image file. Each block contains the following:
1 KB of header information
31 KB of exponents for the compressed sample data
992KB of everything else, mostly delta samples
-The first block contains compatible data for one series of models, usually the JV80, in the header section
-If there are specific patches and drumkits for another model (i.e. JV1080+ or the JD990), the compatible data for that model is located in the second block's header section
-The sample, multisample, patch, and drumkit tables are all stored in what's otherwise reserved for ADPCM delta samples. Theoretically, these tables can be positioned anywhere in that section, but in the standard cards, these are reserved for the end of the last block."

See the "format.txt" for more specific info

I'll be glad to hear more on this topic!
I'll look into it tonight.
Unfortunately for people who actually love and use these machines (and like to discuss about them) Don Solaris' "knowledge" of them all amounts to "source: trust me bro"

I'll post my findings here but I doubt I'll be able to do anything, it's probably way faster and easier to take the list of waveforms for each card and compare them to the S7XX CDs then use Awave to extract the pre-made patches from said CDs
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