Online safety, comfy box, and you
An important message regarding your safety and privacy that you should read.

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Online safety, comfy box, and you
An important message regarding your safety and privacy that you should read.

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Jan 25, 2022
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I don't want to get angry at my users, but some of you have unacceptably sloppy cybersecurity practices, and this needs to change.

If you are at all familiar with self-hosted Internet communities and forums, you should be well aware that one of the largest contributing factors to their decline over the years is that they get hacked all the fucking time. If you've been a member of other forums in the past, have i been pwned? will likely return a one or a few forum data breaches that affect you.

Many internet forums are maintained usually by a small group of people, or even just a single person. Most forum admins are not trained sysadmins, and most likely do not have formal education regarding computers, networking, or cybersecurity. comfy box is no exception, and you should consider this when using the site, as well as any other small Internet communities you may discover, like Fediverse servers or IRC or whatever.

When you register on comfy box, or any other Internet community, you should:
  • Use an e-mail address that is not tied to your real world identity. Don't use your personal Gmail, a work or school e-mail, or any shit like that. It is easy to dox someone with their Gmail address. Use an alternative private e-mail address, ideally on a privacy-conscious e-mail provider. Here's a list, but there are many more providers worth looking into.
  • Consider using a username that you haven't used elsewhere. It is easy to search the same or similar usernames across multiple websites. Re-using a username across multiple platforms is an easy way to fuck yourself, and create a digital footprint that will come back to haunt you.
  • Do not use a password that you have used elsewhere. I shouldn't even have to say this shit. I should not be able to find the passwords of my fucking users in other data breaches from other sites. yet here we are.
  • Consider using a VPN or proxy. A VPN hides your traffic from your ISP, and hides your IP address from the services you use. The default behavior of every web server software is to log the IP address alongside every request, and you should think about what this means for your privacy.
When you register an account on comfy box with your real-life personal Gmail address, and a username that you use literally on every other platform, you are putting both your online, and potentially real-world safety and privacy into the hands of a severely mentally ill autistic gay furry. You should not trust a severely mentally ill autistic gay furry to safely keep information that could potentially identify you personally.

I've put a lot of effort into learning how to secure my shit, but nothing that is exposed to the public Internet is ever 100% safe. You should take your online safety into your own hands, instead of depending on the administrators of services you use to keep your information safe.
An important message regarding your safety and privacy that you should read.
Last edited:
All inactive user accounts (that means accounts with zero posts, or any other activity asides from initial registration) will be deleted permanently on February 28th. Make a post or do something before then if you prefer to not have to register again.

I plan on purging inactive accounts at the end of every month from this point on. It's not that I hate lurkers, I love them! I just refuse to be responsible for the personal information of those who register, and then never post or even sign in again.

If your account ends up deleted, you are more than welcome to register an account again if you plan on participating.
Yeah, I totally agree. I learned that in high school actually. But I wonder if I should share my music in the dedicated thread. Because I'm not very anonymous about my music haha.
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Help Users
    I’ve used milkytracker it’s pretty decent especially if you don’t wanna spend any cash. However if you’re willing to spend just a bit I think renoise is a great tracker with a lot of versatile features. Also if your not used to using a tracker I always recommend the exact same tracker I started with and that’s lsdj <3
    Quote Link
  • bananalizard @ bananalizard:
    I use OpenMPT cause you get to select the effects you want to use, plus its super lightweight and easy to use
    Quote Link
  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • CybrGrl1984 @ CybrGrl1984:
    man im not very active on this forum much
    Quote Link
  • CybrGrl1984 @ CybrGrl1984:
    how are you all?
    Quote Link
  • Wolfmanfur @ Wolfmanfur:
    I'm good and don't worry about not being active, nothing really happens here because the forum is fairly small.
    Quote Link
  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • azucartues @ azucartues:
    hi yall
    Quote Link
  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • Quote Link
  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • castor_andrade Chat Bot:
    castor_andrade castor_andrade has joined the room.
  • H Chat Bot:
    Guest hey has joined the room.
  • H (Guest) hey:
    Quote Link
  • R Chat Bot:
    Guest RevK has joined the room.
  • R (Guest) RevK:
    i'll just share some info
    Quote Link
  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why talking to people is so hard
    Quote Link
  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why overthinking too much what the oother will think
    Quote Link
  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why tf so introvert
    Quote Link
    You just gotta believe!!!
    Quote Link
  • grenadebunny @ grenadebunny:
    hellou i just found this website it looks awesome
    Quote Link
    It’s a fun place full of silly little guys!
    Quote Link
  • azucartues @ azucartues:
    RevK said:
    just relax and talk nobody bites
    Quote Link
  • bananalizard @ bananalizard:
    if they do bite you have an excuse to give them a stank face
    Quote Link
      bananalizard @ bananalizard: if they do bite you have an excuse to give them a stank face