
  1. FaustineSpirit

    📎 smol 🏴‍☠️🖥leaks Uncompiled Nintendo DSI Development Apps 2022-11-21

    Hello👋 I wanted to share with you the uncompiled source code of the Nintendo development tools extracted from files from "Gigaleak". In order to use/compile the code, it will be necessary to provide missing external libraries that were not present in the leak. Nevertheless, he leaves this code...
  2. FaustineSpirit

    📚 books Tutorial phyrrus9's tutorial master list 2022-11-16

    A collection of interesting tutorials and sources by phyrrus9 from 1996-21 year. EDIT: The original site has died, probably the author of the tutorials abandoned the project and hosting. However, a copy of it is available on WebArchive. Most of the content is links to external sources and forum...
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