
  1. dominicb

    📎 smol 🎶 music Roland D-50 Soundbank Collection v11-27-2024

    includes all the official Roland factory soundbanks + a load of third-party cards works with both the original hardware and the VST version!! HARDWARE TUTORIAL: VST TUTORIAL: just go to the patch menu, click "load" and select the bank you want to use...
  2. dominicb

    📎 smol 🎶 music The Unison MIDI Chord Pack v2021

    the full Unsion MIDI chord pack. imagine paying $67 dollars for this LOLLLLLLLL
  3. dominicb

    📎 smol 🎶 music 300+ Different Sylenth1 Soundbanks 2024-07-06

    includes all the official soundbanks + a HUGE collection of third-party ones ive collected over the years, good for classic EDM & hiphop a lot of them are pretty old, but then again sylenth1 is an old synth so there's not much i can do for you there i use version 3.072, but if you still have...
  4. dominicb

    📜 >25GB 🎶 music 11GB of Serum Presets, Wavetables & Samples 2024-06-24

    saw a re-upload of synthetics serum collection on the forums, and thought id share my own collection of serum presets for free. include about 11gb of content from various sources like KSHMR, Cymatics, Virtual Riot & many others. good for all sorts of genres enjoy!! B)
  5. ninturez0

    💠 📦 misc. Synthetic's Serum Collection 2022-02-10

    Synthetic's Serum Collection some dude reselling serum presets from other companies for like 70 fucking dollars Synthetic's Serum Collection includes all the serum presets I have collected over the past few months that I use to create my crazy Hyperpop and Melodic compositions! You will...
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