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  1. dominicb

    📎 smol 🎶 music Roland D-50 Soundbank Collection v11-27-2024

    includes all the official Roland factory soundbanks + a load of third-party cards works with both the original hardware and the VST version!! HARDWARE TUTORIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THhlkBz--e0 VST TUTORIAL: just go to the patch menu, click "load" and select the bank you want to use...
  2. dominicb

    📎 smol 🎶 music The Unison MIDI Chord Pack v2021

    the full Unsion MIDI chord pack. imagine paying $67 dollars for this LOLLLLLLLL
  3. dominicb

    📎 smol 🎶 music 300+ Different Sylenth1 Soundbanks 2024-07-06

    includes all the official soundbanks + a HUGE collection of third-party ones ive collected over the years, good for classic EDM & hiphop a lot of them are pretty old, but then again sylenth1 is an old synth so there's not much i can do for you there i use version 3.072, but if you still have...
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      GildedPetals @ GildedPetals: how horrifying! being invaded by barely tech literate 16 year olds! how ever will we survive!