
  1. milkywaydotcomfy

    📜 >25GB 📎 smol 🎶 music FLAC MiLKY-P - SUPER OTOGE DREAM POP! 1.4

    The (almost) cancelled album of MiLKY-P. All tracks in (almost) lossless quality. note: TRACK 13 suffered a loss of the original masters and stems, so a 320 kbps mp3 was used. Encoded from most of the surviving masters using FLAC Audio Encoder please DM me if the link's dead.
  2. tawmi

    💠  📎 smol 🎶 music MP3 320 Hot Air Blank Space - Candy Head 2024-07-09

    a 2015 album from Hot Air Blank Space, an austrian electronic musician who disappeared from the internet and took almost all their music with them. themed around sweets and indulgence, its not mind-blowing in production or songwriting but i think its unique in a fun way! its very important to...
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      ninturez0 @ ninturez0ninturez0's icon: putting links behind artificial walls would be meaningless for anything i uploaded anyways...