
  1. FaustineSpirit

    📎 smol 🏴‍☠️🖥leaks The Snowden Archive Mirror 0.0

    Welcome Below I upload a complete copy of the archive of documents published by Edward Snowden, one of the greatest whistleblowers of the modern world. The files are from an archive posted on Github, which I link to below with an additional mirror. Source...
  2. FaustineSpirit

    📎 smol 🏴‍☠️🖥leaks V3rmillion database leak 2023-03-04

    Hello👋 Today I have for you quite an old leak from the V3rmillion forum that took place on August 17, 2014. The attackers fell prey to a database containing the data of over 8,000 users. Maybe someone will like it. Additional mirror below Enjoy
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