
  1. FaustineSpirit

    📎 smol 🏴‍☠️🖥leaks List of useful resources ...

    Welcome 👋 Below I am throwing you my list of url to sites overflowing with leaked databases, source code, programs, etc. Maybe someone will find it useful. I will try to update this thread to add more interesting sources, if any of you have your own suggestions then let me know;) Please...
  2. FaustineSpirit

    📜 >25GB 📎 smol 📦 misc. 🚧 WIP Burp Suite Professional 2023.4.3 + Loader 2023.4.3

    Welcome 👋 Today I come to you with the full version of the burp suite profesional program. Burp suite is a program for hackers/pentesters/specialists in the field of web application security, it allows you to detect more than 100 different types of errors that have a significant impact on the...
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