banned books

  1. FaustineSpirit

    📎 smol 📚 books Kurt Saxon The Poor Mans James Bond 1-4 Collection

    Hello👋 Today I'm adding a collection of 4 books by Kurt Saxon, I think any fan of survivalism, improvised weapons or other craziness should find it useful. You read and use at your own risk. As usual, below is an additional mirror. Enjoy *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to...
  2. FaustineSpirit

    📎 smol 📚 books Anarchists Cookbook IV 4.14 4.14

    Welcome👋 As usual I come to you with an interesting book. This time it is Anarchist Cookbook. The title itself probably needs no introduction to anyone. All the knowledge contained in this book is for educational purposes only. You read and use at your own risk. As usual, an additional link...
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