
  1. FaustineSpirit

    📎 smol Transcript of the original 4chan Nintendo Gigaleak thread 2022-11-20

    Hello👋 I'm sharing a transcript of a thread on 4chan about the Nintendo leak. Yes to future generations. All converted to PDF for better readability. The archive also contains a list of all links related to this topic. Below you will find an additional mirror in case all the rest are lost...
  2. yot

    💠 🔞 📎 smol 🎥 video 1000 pages of /f/lash 2022-07-03

    This archive contains all of the SWF files from the first 1000 pages of the 4plebs /f/ archive, that were tagged as one of the following: Anime, Game, Japanese, Loop, Other. All of the url text files that were used to download all of the SWF files are also included inside links.7z together with...
  3. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 🎆> 1TB 🎶 music Lolicore Archive 2022-04-20

    I didn't come up with this stupid genre name, lolicon is disgusting, I just like loud music and archiving shit. As far as I know there is no actual lolicon pornography in this archive, but some of the album covers are pretty questionable. Yes, their FTP port is really set to 1488. Lolicore...
  4. ninturez0

    💠  🏴‍☠️🖥leaks Complete LulzSec Archive 2022-04-21

    This archive is hosted entirely by third-parties and may not be available now, or in the near/far future. Complete LulzSec Archive "May we remember forever those shipmates who bravely fought tyranny, not for fame, or money, or power, but simply for the lulz."...
  5. ninturez0

    💠  💻 >500GB 📸 images GFX VFX sound effects - MEGAPACK v1.0

    This archive is hosted entirely by third-parties and may no longer be available now, or in the near/far future. GFX VFX sound effects - MEGAPACK v1.0 574GB of paid graphics and design resources GFX VFX sound effects - MEGAPACK v1.0...
  6. ninturez0

    💠 💿 >100GB 🏴‍☠️🖥leaks Operation Epik Fail (Original + The /b/ Sides + You Lost The Game)

    This archive is hosted entirely by third-parties and may not be available now, or in the near/far future. Operation Epik Fail Operation Epik Fail (torrent) The /b/ Sides (torrent) You Lost The Game (torrent)
  7. ninturez0

    💠 💿 >100GB 🏴‍☠️🖥leaks October 2021 Twitch Leaks 2022-04-21

    This archive is hosted entirely by third-parties and may no longer be available now, or in the near/far future. seed your fucking torrents you little fuckshits October 2021 Twitch Leaks lmao Magnet link...
  8. ninturez0

    💠  💻 >500GB 📚 books The All-Embracing Library 2022-02-10

    The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box, its users, or its administration. This content is hosted...
  9. ninturez0

    💠 📜 >25GB 📚 books #/g/sicp Gentoomen Programming, Computer Science, Wizardry, and General Technology Book Library 2022-02-10

    #/g/sicp Gentoomen Library Programming, Computer Science, Wizardry, and General Technology Book Library It's 3616 files and 35GB covering everything from Algorithms to XML Magnet...
  10. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📸 images Screenshots from 2b2t minecraft server (2011 - 2016) 2022-02-08

    The following page contains material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the contents of this page are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box, its users, or its administration. The following page...
  11. ninturez0

    📎 smol 📦 misc. 💠 🔞 NSFW 🔞 Yotsuba Society Archives

    ninturez0 submitted a new resource: Yotsuba Society Archives - 20GB of notable 4chan threads, from before the age of fuuka archive sites Read more about this resource...
  12. ninturez0

    💠 🔞 📦 misc. Yotsuba Society Archives 2022-02-07

    The following page may contain material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals. Any views, opinions or ideologies expressed by the material are not reflective of the views, opinions or ideologies of comfy box or its administration. The following page contains mature or adult...
  13. ninturez0

    🎶 music LOLI RIPE Discography (2006 - 2009)

    ninturez0 submitted a new resource: LOLI RIPE Discography (2006 - 2009) - The best worst music (?) that you will ever hear. Edgy, brain-melting, ear-raping noise. Read more about this resource...
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