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  1. backjump6

    Hardware synthesizers/effects/etc discussion thread

    The PSR-36es are great. In a perfect world I'd have one of those and a DX7 for when I want some cold hard FM stuff..........
  2. backjump6

    Hardware synthesizers/effects/etc discussion thread

    Never heard of it before, but checked it out and it looks pretty cool. Shame about the tracking, always a risk with analogue gear I guess but I feel like with modern stuff it should be better than awful, no?
  3. backjump6

    Hardware synthesizers/effects/etc discussion thread

    How did you like the korg? I've heard a lot of mixed things but as with all things I guess it depends on how and what you use it for. I feel you on the external effects rack thing.... One of those old midiverbs is high up on my list. (and more eurorack shit)
  4. backjump6

    Hardware synthesizers/effects/etc discussion thread

    Since there seems to be a few music producers here, let's do a hardware thread. Post your fave hardware synths and effects, recent purchases, tips, review stuff, etc. General hardware thread. Some stuff I've been using a lot lately for my "lab music" project: - Yamaha AN200 Very fun VA...
  5. backjump6

    That weird site that keeps showing up in google dorks?

    Probably honeypots. On the plus side, there's some thought-provoking poetry in there:
  6. backjump6

    🔞 NSFW 🔞 The American Telegram cybercriminal community and their escapades

    Reminds me of the similar groups of o9a larpers on Telegram
  7. backjump6

    What do you like to play in between Music, Job, Studying, etc.?

    I used to play quite a lot of Underworld: $hadow Economics but sadly the development stopped... think organized crime Dwarf Fortress, kind of. Starsector is great. Space combat trading colony thing. Rimworld from time to time.
  8. backjump6

    2000s internet forum signature aesthetic

    Very metalheart....... nice
  9. backjump6

    Is internet archive down for good ??

    it'll probably be a little while but last i heard (yesterday) they were working on getting it back up
  10. backjump6

    🔞 NSFW 🔞 looking for obscure disturbing media, events or sites to make a video on

    LMK if you do anything on it, i'll send you the telegram channels
  11. backjump6

    🔞 NSFW 🔞 looking for obscure disturbing media, events or sites to make a video on

    I haven't noticed people doing videos on the com communities (764/NLM, MKU, etc). 764 got some attention for inspiring/inciting a series of stabbings here in sweden recently. Interesting connections to o9a/ToB as well, which in itself is a rabbit hole...
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