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  1. Delimeat

    What do you like to play in between Music, Job, Studying, etc.?

    I listen to alot of whining bitchin men like Mineral, panchiko, and sunny day real estate
  2. Delimeat

    Favourite OST's?

    Hollow knight Postal Redux Boneworks The binding of Isaac Celeste Hope ya like em :D
  3. Delimeat

    Introduce yourself!

    Who are you? I'm Delimeat ma turkey is spankin B) How did you find this place? I can't remember I was really eepy when I found this forum Hobbies and other things you enjoy? Usually I spend ma time talking to ma girlfriend and knitting, but I also play a couple games B). I used to play a...
  4. Delimeat

    Post what you're listening to RIGHT NOWWWW

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV2ejcwFe_Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X75q1yvw_Vk I like metal and whining :3
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      missioncyberspace @ missioncyberspace: https://youtu.be/JajHc9wH1ME I don't know if I'm allowed to post links, but I filmed a...